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“There is also a side of myth regarding the fall of USR in the polls / At AUR it is a free and confused fall”

The interim president of USR, Cătălin Drulă, states that the political party he leads is in the preferences of the electorate at the same level as it was when he entered the Parliament for the second time, in the 2020 elections. He talks about ” a side of myth “regarding the decrease of USR in the opinion polls and says that at AUR it is” a matter of a free fall and a confusion “.

  • “From the research we have and the information gathered, there is also a side of myth in this fall (of USR in opinion polls – no.). The general area of ​​voting intention we are in is the one that brought us to the Parliament, since the last elections I mean. In this general area of ​​voting representation (15% – no.) And very close to the PNL. I respect these millions of people very much, because there are between one and two million people who find their choice between us and we want to convince more people to vote for us. There are elections in 2024, they are not today “, the USR leader stated on Sunday, in the Insider Politic show, on Prima TV.

He also commented on the situation of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians, saying: “I believe that it is a matter of free fall and confusion.”

  • “It simply came to our notice then. Their phone in front of the Russian embassy is being damaged “, added the USR leader, in this context.

Asked if he intends to run in the presidential election, the USR leader said that the party’s future candidate will be elected by ballot, most likely in the second half of 2023. He avoided saying whether he would enter the party’s internal competition to be the USR presidential candidate.

He also spoke about the internal situation in the USR.

  • “We are not in a schism, we are a team formed, welded, still in the process of welding, because we have gone through a merger. As for the democratic character of the USR, where you have the right to disagree with the other, to express your criticism eo criticism is a form and progress, that is, in a place where there is grave silence and everyone executes, heels and it executes the order, it is no longer a party, it is a military unit. And we already see this in the two big parties of the epaulette system, which are now finally reunited in the big system party that wants Romania to remain as it is, does not want Romania to modernize “, said Cătălin Funny in the same show.

PSD would get 35% of the votes if parliamentary elections were held next Sunday, followed by PNL with 23% of votes and AUR – 12%, according to a CURS poll conducted between March 28 and April 11. Compared to the previous poll, PSD loses one percent, AUR loses 2 percent, while PNL and USR increase by 3 percent. The PMP also manages to reach the electoral threshold for access to Parliament.

sursa: News.ro, sursa photo: I say Photos/ Octav Ganea

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