Home » today » World » There is a split in GERB between Borisov and Tsvetanov – 2024-07-31 08:38:37

There is a split in GERB between Borisov and Tsvetanov – 2024-07-31 08:38:37

“At the moment there is a division in GERB between Boyko Borisov and Tsvetan Tsvetanov. One holds the executive power, the other the parliamentary power. The position of Tsvetanov, who is a firm Atlanticist, defending the country of America and England with every drop of his political energy, is visible. Apparently the constant breakfasts he goes to across the ocean show a strong influence of what he does in the state. On the other hand – Borisov is currently in the role of a balancer.” Stoyan Mirchev, the People’s Representative from the PG of the BSP for Bulgaria, stated this to the BNR on the occasion of the Prime Minister’s decision not to expel Russian diplomats from our country.

The MP from the BSP explained that Borissov accepted the role of a balancer during the European presidency – first with Turkey, and now with Russia. “Borisov realizes that it will be disastrous for him if he takes the solidarity position that Tsvetanov takes, namely the extreme position, and without any evidence at this stage,” he explained.

According to him, the question now is whether Borisov will yield to his partners from England and America, or whether he will find the strength to humiliate Tsvetanov. “I am glad that Borisov agreed, because we had prepared a declaration that was above-political and moderate, protecting Bulgarian national interests. GERB did not agree with it, but in practice Prime Minister Borisov agreed with it”, added Mirchev.

The national representative was categorical that Bulgaria cannot have an extreme position on the subject, like a number of European countries, pushed by Great Britain, which does not have any indisputable evidence that Russia is guilty of the Skripal case. “I am glad that Skripal’s daughter is recovering from the nerve gas that killed her in 60 seconds,” said Mirchev.

“At the moment, the world is on the threshold of a new cold war and we should not participate in the strengthening of these processes, but look for an opportunity to warm relations and prevent such actions”, said Mirchev categorically. He cited the examples of Austria and Germany, with the former refusing to expel Russian diplomats until there was hard evidence, and the latter replacing some diplomats with others.

#split #GERB #Borisov #Tsvetanov

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