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there is a new position – PublicoGT

Miguel Angel Sandoval

In the aforementioned social networks, I read with concern that friends or acquaintances are seeking in some way to oppose approval for a budget change.

And they do it with complaints that seem right, although not all of them, some reasoning anchored in the norm, I’m not talking about good or bad faith. Sometimes it’s trust, other times it’s analysis based on the ideological filter. There will be others more in what could be the naivety of the government that would think of political influence, that is self-deception. And etc. long.

However, I believe that the license should be placed in the true context of the country and yes, analyze it as a success and why not, as a political influence. Perhaps what is most needed is to take ownership of that political influence, bring it into the analysis and, of course, go for more.

I only remember that in my history of what happened from 25J to 14E, I said about the difficult times that were to come and that is what we have been looking at. We only have to remember that in August 2023, the lost were the remnants of the anti-crisis, a corrupt and primitive anti-communist continuum. As was known, they were not going to stop sabotaging and boycotting the new government.

Whoever thought of a democratic fountain and a paved highway without potholes, was wrong. It is about the daily political struggle, with advances and setbacks, with successes and setbacks, with losses and victories, but if there is a strategic direction, you should bet on that. We have to bet on it.

This is what we saw in what happened in the conference. Especially since it was agreed in two votes that approval was obtained with a qualified majority. And those who know anything about Congress understand that a majority vote is very difficult and rare. It doesn’t happen every day. Less so with his writing sent to the polls.

But in this case, between the first and the second vote there were three special events: a) the CC, for reasons of form, suspension or strike, but de facto, it suspended that agreement, b) called the MP, crossing himself, the leaders of the European Union. benches and something more, c) the vote in the second approval grew by more than half a dozen votes.

In short, after a week the vote for the approval of the budget left the right to divide, with barely 40 votes, and without setting the agenda, without control of the the room And this, my colleagues, is crucial. Therefore, it is a major political success of the league. In addition, many deputy leaders overcame the fear and hidden and not so open threats from the MP. And they said clearly no to the blackmail of the CC.

Of course that is not accepting the Winter Palace, and it is not something irreversible, and it is not the conquest of Everest. It is a political victory in the Congress nothing more, but that deserves to be welcomed. It does not mean that Congress changed its nature. It’s just a new situation.

What follows is a series of political battles across the national level. One has to do with implementing spending both in quantity and quality, another with the battle of communication. Do things right and tell them, publish them, put them in their right, value them as steps towards the best goals of a government of a different nature and with a clear popular mandate.

It is a broad and complex agenda that needs to be addressed. Some issues include the security of citizens. There is little doubt that he needs to improve. The situation of violence and insecurity must end. And there is a huge challenge in terms of national infrastructure. Roads, ports and airports are essential. Fortunately, some resources are available through the budget and more solutions must be sought by ensuring the leadership of the state. As I say, the list and struggle with many. And there is the historical agenda of the revolutionaries and the democrats.

I don’t know if it’s about shouting, but it’s about realizing that if about two or three months ago the idea that was circulating on the networks that could not be improved or even did not exist. progress, well now there is another situation. Whether it is understood or not, appreciated or not. The perception changed. And that is appreciated.

We will add to this success that there is something new in the fight for the courts today and that the renewed confidence is that it is possible and especially if it is with the social force that comes out to be saying these are our rights and they say it in a way clear, as the native authorities are doing now and this is part of the new situation. Together we can.

In fact it is not just a good step but a step that removed the very correct and corrupt legislative majority. I know they will tell me that there are corrupt people in the new majority. And I answer, of course yes, if the new majority were built by what is there, not by messengers who have passed the purity scanner… or by messengers who have promised holiness. It’s the captain’s conference, not the Vatican. And as we know, it doesn’t even exist.

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