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There is a message from the family of the deceased 30-year-old. “Doctors’ expectant attitude is linked to the provisions on abortion”

The statement of the deceased patient’s family was published in the social media of the BFP law firm. It was signed by Jolanta Budzowska, legal adviser, who publicized the case of the woman’s death in the 22nd week of pregnancy.

A pregnant 30-year-old died of septic shock. There is a family message

“Due to inaccurate information in the media, the family of the deceased confirms that in 22 wrze¶nia 2021 A thirty-year-old woman, 22 weeks pregnant, died at the County Hospital in Pszczyna.

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Women’s hell. “When it comes to abortion, we are against the wall”

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Doctors, we read, found anhydrous and confirmed “previously diagnosed birth defects of the fetus”. “During hospitalization, the fetus died. After less than 24 hours in the hospital, the patient also died. The cause of death was septic shock. The deceased left her husband and daughter” – we read. According to the law firm, the woman, while in hospital, “reported in messages sent to family members and friends that according to the information provided by her doctors, they assumed a wait-and-see attitude, refraining from emptying the uterine cavity until the fetus died, which was associated with the applicable regulations limiting the possibility of legal abortion“.

As we learn from the announcement, the family informed the prosecutor’s office about the possibility of committing a crime, the so-called medical error. The case is dealt with by the Regional Prosecutor’s Office in Katowice.

“The correctness of the treatment services provided to the deceased will be assessed by the relevant authorities. For the sake of the investigation, the family will not provide further details on topic matters and asks for her privacy and state of mourning to be respected. “

“The fetus has died, the patient has died”

Tragic reports of the woman’s death appeared on Saturday. Legal counsel Jolanta Budzowska wrote about the case on Twitter. The lawyer said the death was a consequence of the sentence The Constitutional Tribunal on abortion. “Doctors waited for the death of the fetus. The fetus died, the patient died. Septic shock. I spent Friday in the prosecutor’s office” – wrote Budzowska.

– It is obvious that the death of this woman is a consequence of the pseudo-sentence of the Constitutional Tribunal. I knew that such a tragedy would eventually happen. I already had a few clients in a similar situation, but we managed to react on time and we were able to transfer the patient to a better hospital, where legal abortion – commented Kamila Ferenc, a lawyer from the Federation for Women and Family Planning in Gazeta.pl. – Anti-abortion pickets, statements by politicians who call abortion a murder, the pseudo-year of the Constitutional Tribunal itself – all this creates an atmosphere in which abortion is fundamentally considered something wrong. There are some exceptions, but doctors are restrictive of them. In practice, therefore, they delay, fearing that they will perform the procedure prematurely and face criminal charges, she explained.

“The fetus has died, the patient has died.” Lawyer: There will be more cases

Due to the death of a woman, informed by Budzowska, the Federation for Women and Family Planning is organizing a solidarity demonstration. “Let us show the authorities, the media, the international arena on which our heart lies. We stand for women’s lives. We stand for safe motherhood. We stand for the freedom to decide about our own pregnancy, body and health,” writes the organization. Activists urge that at 19 go out into the streets and light candles in memory of the deceased. In Warsaw, the planned demonstration is to take place in front of the Constitutional Tribunal.

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