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There is a kind of good man plot︳The savior of the ratings meets the killer of the ratings Can Li Jiaxin defend himself against Ma Dezhong?

kind of man


kind of man


kind of man

It’s also the “cannon fodder” period at the beginning and end of the year. In this week’s “A Kind of Good Man,” the character setting gets a taste of a typical TVB drama. The industry that the protagonist is engaged in brings out the character traits and allows the audience to understand a certain industry, then develops the character’s encounters, so there’s no shortage of romance. This time, the male lead, Ma Dezhong, is a senior executive of the bodyguard company. Shizheng Mashen has a past in G4, and he also uses it to outline the role of Mashen who is good at managing risks, but happens to meet a love line that cannot be managed.

Ali, who has clearly been neglected in recent years, will become a mother this time, and her son is Wu Weihao, who is in her twenties. Fortunately, Ali has delivered the goods every time and the results haven’t been bad. It was like “Amelie Rhapsody” with a bare back. Even though the series was broadcast on the streaming platform and came out first, the average ratings were nearly 24 points; “Smart Lover” meets the Olympics, and the ratings rebound in the latter stage prevents the series from becoming the end of the year.

On the other hand, Ma Dezhong, except for Shidi’s “Jumping Lifeline”, the arrangement of roles after returning to the nest did not play much, and “Twin Strangers” even broke the record for the lowest ratings in a series prime time drama. This time “A Good Kind of Man” can be called a “great confrontation of contradictions”, which one will win?

Episode 1 (12/26)

Zhuang Jianbang Security Company is responsible for the security work of wealthy businessman Jiang Tingtian. During the time that Lai Hongzhi, the supervisor, was leading his team to protect Tingtian, Tingtian met Gong. Fortunately, Yang Rizheng, an expert in the bodyguard industry, subdued the crazy Rizheng also pointed out that there were many loopholes in the deployment. Dingtian’s security adviser Xia Zhongqiu was found to have questioned Hongzhi’s security capabilities and privately approached Rizheng as an adviser. After Dingtian received the threatening letter, his house suddenly caught fire, Jianbang heeded Zhongqiu’s suggestion and hired Rizheng to strengthen security. Hongzhi is dissatisfied when Rizheng takes office. Rizheng is officially in charge of Tingtian’s security work, and he discovers that the mysterious woman You Zicheng is doing sneaky behavior near Tingtian’s car. Later, he meets her again at a charity auction and feels suspicious.. .

Episode 2 (27/12)

Rizheng took Zicheng home and took the opportunity to spy on him. Sometimes a dog ran off the road, Rizheng hastily braked, Zicheng was slightly injured and left without a trace. Rizheng assigns his intelligence colleague Fu Jun to investigate Tingtian’s threatening letter, he tracks it down in a restaurant, and discovers that the letter is from… Rizheng and Zhongqiu find out the mind and truth of the threat. the information. Rizheng discovered that Zicheng had participated in the activities of “life coach” Cen Xiaoting and thought that she was also a gold digger. At that time, Tiantian invited Zicheng to a private island to enjoy the paintings… On the other hand, Rizheng’s fiancee Tan Lixin wanted to marry Rizheng, but Rizheng doesn’t believe in marriage…

Episode 3 (28/12)

Zicheng took his good friend Gu Jianan back to his residence and told him that this time he had returned to Hong Kong in addition to dealing with his cousin’s death, and that he had another purpose, which was actually related to Rizheng. Rizheng is dumped by Lai Xin and when she goes to Dingbong’s house to play cricket, she meets Zicheng again and loses to her. Jianbang’s aunt Luo Shaona hires Zicheng to return to the company to help her deal with Rizheng. Rizheng had to deal with many personal problems at work: her colleagues were disgusted with him because Rizheng privately destroyed the public dehumidifier; Rizheng was misunderstood by everyone but he didn’t bother to explain, Zicheng told him the opinion of him… Jianbang has a mysterious date and Rizheng needs to go with him secretly…

Episode Four (12/29)

Jianbang arranged for her family to meet her lover Bian Mira, but Rizheng did not expect Zicheng to show up and it turned out that she and Mira knew each other. Jianbang’s daughter, Zhuang Yasheng, has finally accepted her father’s romance. Rizheng learns the truth about Hongzhi’s car being hit by a car and agrees to keep it a secret for Jianbang. Ri Zheng showed her favor to her subordinates and even expressed the hope that team members would return to the team. After this incident, team members became more united. Rizheng’s aunt Yang Feiyun forces Zhongqiu to tell the whereabouts of her missing boyfriend Lang Ziwei, Zhongqiu asks Rizheng for help, and Rizheng asks Feiyun to stop bothering Zhongqiu. Hongzhi takes revenge for destroying Rizheng’s cell phone and Rizheng makes him lose the right to use the company car. Hongzhi calls a general meeting of shareholders, trying to force Jianbang to voice the position of him and Lin Rizheng to leave the company.

Episode 5 (12/30)

At the shareholders’ meeting, Hongzhi forces Jianbang to choose between himself and Rizheng, but changes his mind when the decision is made and Hongzhi has to prepare to leave the company. Hongzhi was attacked and injured while leading a team to protect important officials. Fortunately, Rizheng and Haoran followed Hongzhi’s agreement to complete the task. Rizheng tells Jianbang that Hongzhi has something special, and Jianbang tactfully asks Hongzhi to voluntarily stay. Hongzhi voluntarily gives up the office bigger than him, and Rizheng officially becomes the head of the department. The day is set and the sun secretly protects his son Jiang Zhuoting. Zhuo Ting and his friend Miao Chenglin secretly return to Hong Kong. Zicheng almost meets Chenglin. Ri Zheng discovers that Zhuo Ting and Cheng Lin seem to be hiding their whereabouts from their parents, so she decides to follow them…

仲有呢期人氣爆燈嘅Anson Lo

There is also Anson Lo who is very popular in this issue

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