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There is a fine and compensation for damage to nature for burning grass

(PAGT photo.)

Last holiday weekend, Alytus district firefighters received 6 calls to extinguish fires caused by burning last year’s grass. And the bonfire created near the forest even moved to the forest in Raitininkai ward. Fortunately, the fire was extinguished quickly.

“Grass cannot be burned, because it causes a lot of damage to nature – plants and their seeds burn, insects, animals, nesting birds die. It is even worse when the fire consumes people’s property and lives. In addition, fires greatly pollute the environment when toxic gases and various health-harmful particles containing soot, tar, unburned materials and inorganic waste are released into the air.

Bonfires should be burned especially responsibly – as far as possible from buildings and forests. It should not be done on a windy day, and fires should not be left unattended. Last weekend, we had a case of such irresponsible bonfire burning, when the nearby forest in Raitininkai district caught fire,” said Aleksandras Bružas, Director of the Fire Protection Service of the Alytus District Municipal Budget Office.

According to the head of the service, burning grass is considered a malicious crime and is punishable by a fine and compensation for the damage to nature. By the way, farmers risk losing European Union payments by burning grass.

Firefighters remind that if you see burning grass, if possible, the fire should be extinguished immediately before the flame spreads to larger areas. This can be done by beating the flame with tree branches or stomping on it with your feet, pouring water or sand on it. Larger fire areas should be dug with grooves to prevent the flame from spreading. If it is not possible to deal with the fire, it is necessary to immediately call the fire brigade by calling the general emergency number 112.

  • Raked (collected) grass, reeds, fallen tree leaves, straw, etc. are prohibited. to burn piles of vegetable waste in cities and towns, in forests, high marshes, peaty areas or areas closer than 100 m from the forest.
  • Burning uncut grass and stubble is prohibited.
  • It is forbidden to throw burning matches and unextinguished smoke.
  • Plant waste in rural areas can only be raked (collected) into piles and no closer than 30 meters from buildings. However, the most environmentally friendly way of handling this waste is composting.
  • Campfires can only be made in designated areas. Do not build a campfire when the wind is strong. After finishing the burning, pour water over the embers.
  • It is necessary to remind children that playing with fire or starting a fire is punishable by fines.
  • If you see burning grass, do not pass by – try to put out a small fire yourself or call the fire department by phone. 112.

In the Code of Administrative Offenses, in accordance with Article 286, for violation of environmental protection requirements by burning dry grass, reeds, crops, fallen tree leaves, straw, forestry and horticultural waste, administrative liability is provided and a fine of 30 to 230 euros can be imposed, and managers of legal entities or others for responsible persons – from 60 to 300 euros. In addition, avoiding to take fire protection measures after spotting a fire of stubble or unraked (uncollected) straw on your land can result in a fine of between 30 and 170 euros for land owners, users and managers. Burning stubble, uncut and unraked (uncollected) grass, reeds, cereals and other agricultural crops incurs a fine of 50 to 300 euros for individuals, 120 to 350 euros for managers of legal entities or other responsible persons.

The fire services ask residents to act responsibly, not to remain indifferent when they see a fire or people burning grass.

Information from the Communication Department of the Alytus District Municipality Administration

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– 2024-04-04 07:57:16

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