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“There is a coincidence” between leaked audios and the lawyer process: Gertz

The Attorney General of the Republic, Alejandro Gertz Manero, charged that “there is a coincidence” between the revelation of the audio on the case of Alejandra Cuevas Morán, and the process against lawyers allegedly linked to the former legal adviser of the Presidency, Julio Scherer, who are accused of extorting money from allegedly corrupt former governments.

Questioned by journalist Denise Maerker about who could be related to the leaking of the recordings, the prosecutor replied: “Anyone who has an immediate serious problem in any way with the system or the administration of which I am a part.”

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The official assured that Fighting corruption in this country has a very high cost.

“I think it is the price of doing this work, the price of going against all these people and having been successful in dozens, hundreds of cases that are relevant, they generate a group of enemies and opponents who obviously can go, even as in this case we are seeing it, to generate and create images of crimes that were never committed”, assured.

After Gertz Manero blamed powerful groups investigated by the FGR for having undertaken a “true criminal media extortion campaign”, the journalist questioned: Are the extortions and can they come from those from before, from those from now, from everyone? Does this Prosecutor’s Office go for everyone?

“That of course, but let me tell you, to your specific question, I will also give you a specific answer. there is a coincidence and that coincidence means that a couple of days before a hearing was held, that by the way, once again the people who are being accused generated a whole series of pretexts for not holding their hearing, that does coincide . That at this moment, we, or I personally, and there I am already disassociating myself from my personal affairs to speak as Prosecutor of the Republic, that is to say, what is going to come out there is of such importance that at the moment in which know, because hopefully at some point they will stop giving them those procedural benefits so that they do not attend the hearings, they will give you the clearest and most precise answer that is going to be linked to this fact.”

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“That coincidence, for me, has an obviousness that only when it is proven, we will be able to affirm it in a convincing way,” said Gertz Manero.

Political Animal published a few days ago that the FGR has at least three ongoing investigations against Scherer and law firms that allegedly colluded to extort money from people linked to cases such as Cruz Azul, Collado or OHL.

In the same interview, the prosecutor accepted that the audios that were leaked on social networks, where it is revealed that he had access to the draft sentence of the Court related to the death of his brother, are real, although he said that “he does not accept that They extort him.”

“These are criminal behaviors that are punished very severely by law and those who did that did not care to try to establish a series of accusations, which are, in my opinion, a series of extortions that obviously are not pointing out more than a series of consequences or reasoning that are lies. The videos are absolutely real.”

He argued that he asked the Supreme Court for the opportunity “that any citizen has” to be able to defend his case, which was studied by the 11 members of the Court and eight of them approved that he could, in a personal capacity, as his own matter, do those things. efforts, “because the case has nothing to do with it and has never been brought before the Prosecutor’s Office.”

“And I’m not going to lose my personal rights because of a position I hold, because the issue has nothing to do with the position I hold,” he assured.

Gertz did use his power for personal purposes: Cuevas Morán family

Meanwhile, the family of Alejandra Cuevas Morán assured that prosecutor Alejandro Gertz Manero, did use resources of the Attorney General of the Republic (FGR) for his personal complaint strategy against Alejandra Cuevas and Laura Morán.

“Alejandro Gertz Manero affirms that he did not use FGR resources to litigate against our mother and grandmother, and yet he recognizes the participation of Juan Ramón López, deputy prosecutor specialized in federal crimes of the FGR, in the legal strategy of chaos. The contradiction is evident”said Alonso Castillo, son of Alejandra Cuevas.

In a statement, he explained that they were not given the draft resolution of the amparos (to which Gertz Manero did have access) that will be discussed by the Plenary Session of the Court on March 14.

“It is false that the ministers always distribute among the parties in conflict the draft resolutions that are discussed in the plenary session of the Court, as the attorney general falsely stated. The arbitrariness committed against Laura and Alejandra comes from the fact that only the Attorney General of the Republic obtained that document.”

Alejandra Cuevas has been imprisoned for more than 500 days in the Santa Martha Acatitla prison for her alleged responsibility in the murder by omission of Alejandro Gertz’s brother, Federico Gertz Manero, who died on September 27, 2015.

Laura Morán Servín, 94 years old and who was a partner of Federico Gertz, has an arrest warrant against her, issued in 2020.

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