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There is a Call of Duty for youth organizations, I just accept


Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan spoke once again about the declaration of being ready to become a presidential candidate (candidate) in 2024. Anies spoke about the call of duty.

Anies initially pointed out that he wanted to complete his duties as governor until October 16. However, Anies admitted that he was ready if he accepted the call into service as a presidential candidate in 2024. He likened it to an assignment by the RT chief to become a builder for Karang Taruna.

“That’s it, I’ll finish my job in Jakarta until October 16. And my principles have been the same. When there was a call to duty, RT just called me to work in my village to become a coach for Karang Taruna, I accepted the assignment, ”Anies Baswedan said after unveiling the revitalization of the Martha Christina Tiahahu Literacy Park in Blok M, South Jakarta, on Sunday (9/18/2022).


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Anies sees the “call of duty” as a normal thing. However, he said, the call to duty was beyond his control as a person who was not affiliated with any political party.

“So the call to duty is something normal whenever there is a call to duty, that is, for the good of the community, for the good of all, so I always say I’m ready. And that’s outside of the my control. The call is in the village, Pak RT decides, “he said.

The former Minister of Education and Culture also admitted that he had not received a phone call from a political party until now. He then asked to complete his job as governor before preparing for the next step.

“At the national level there are those who have the authority, right now I’m finalizing it, if there is a call wait if there is, now there is no call, right? Not yet, right? We are waiting” he said explained.

“So I come first until it’s finished, then it’s finished, don’t shoot it, it’s like I was doing the task, yesterday I was assigned to Jakarta, I did my job well. Thank God it was 4 years and 11 months, only one month left, exactly on this date, this month, after it is finished, we will prepare the following, “he added.

Anies Baswedan is known for claiming that he is ready to become a presidential candidate in 2024. He admits that he is ready to run for president if there is a party that supports him.

This was communicated by Anies when she was interviewed by Reuters in Singapore. Reuters reported Anies’ statement in an article titled “Popular Governor of Indonesian Capital” Prepared “to Run for President.”

“I am ready to run for president if a party appoints me,” Anies said in an interview in Singapore, cited by Reuters on Friday (9/16).

He added that not being a party member allowed “space to communicate with all factions”. Anies also talked about the poll results about him.

“These unsolicited polls happened even before my campaign, I think they gave me more credibility,” Anies said.

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