By the end of the year, DPP and operators have to cover 18 metro stations.
Passengers in the other three metro stations and adjacent tunnel sections can use a mobile phone without restrictions and signal interruptions.
The technicians have recently completed better coverage of the Flora stations on route A and Luka and Nové Butovice on route B. „Od On March 15, we will also expand both networks to the Radlická station and thus have 43 stations covered,“Said Dopravní podnik hl. of Prague (DPP) on social networks.
DPP has been working to cover stations and adjacent tunnels since 2018. It cooperates with a consortium of operators (O2 Czech Republic, T-Mobile Czech Republic, Vodafone Czech Republic) and CETIN.
The coverage of the tunnels consists of the installation of approximately five centimeters thick cable, which is gradually distributed throughout the metro network, with the exception of the newest section of the A – Bořislavka line, Nádraží Veleslavín, Petřiny and the Motol Hospital. In this section, the technology enabling telephony and data connection was installed during construction.
The work takes place after the end of operation. It takes at least 50 hours to build a network in one station, and the tunnel between the two stations in both directions will take approximately two months.