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there are very few smokers among those with covid

Russian physicians, following their foreign colleagues, drew attention to the disproportionately small proportion of smokers among those infected with covid. About it wrote on his Facebook page, the head of the operating department of the Center for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Burdenko Hospital, Alexey Fedorov, with a link to an article by the specialists of this medical institution, published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal “Practical Pulmonology”.

Fedorov notes that the ratio of non-smokers / quitters / smokers at the time of the survey was 24 (75%) / 8 (25%) / 0. This is from 32 patients with moderate and severe course.

“I, as a heart surgeon, am an ardent opponent of smoking and see its destructive effect on the heart and blood vessels, but I cannot ignore the facts: it seems (and these are the results of not only our observations, but also numerous observations of colleagues) that smokers get sick much less often and rarely get sick hard, “the doctor writes.

At the same time, Fedorov emphasizes that you should not start smoking, trying to protect yourself from “covid”. “Smoking is the cause of dozens of life-threatening diseases, and covid is likely to become a seasonal cold in a couple of years,” he said.

In the comments to the post, another Moscow doctor noted that his hospital has a similar situation.

Previously from that “crown” does not take smokers, wrote Chinese, American and French doctors. Some even suggested using nicotine patches as protection against coronavirus infection. However, the matter did not go further than proposals, since no one seriously began to study the mechanism of the effect of smoking on the coronavirus.

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