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There are two options for how large schools will organize training

Foto: Reuters/Scanpix/LETA

In the conditions of risks of Covid-19 spread, Latvian large schools will mostly organize studies in morning and evening shifts or alternately in weeks, this morning Guntars Catlaks, the head of the State Education Content Center (VISC), told LTV “Morning Panorama”.

Catlaks reminded that the main recommendation for schools is to reduce the number of possible contacts of students, so that in case of infection, the whole school should not go to quarantine, but a narrower group of people.

For 1st to 6th grade students, VISC recommends to organize studies in person.

The biggest problems in these circumstances are the organization of teaching in large schools. Catlaks noted that schools will still provide detailed information on their plans this week, but there have been two options in the negotiations so far: shift work or classroom learning, with one class attending one class at a time and the other half studying remotely, with a change next week. .

The head of the VISC emphasized that on Knowledge Day, schools must follow the rules set for organizing public events. VISC recommends holding this type of event outdoors.

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Asked to assess whether schools are ready to implement the new competency content in these circumstances, Catlaks acknowledged that the situation in Covid-19 made it difficult to implement the new content, but he hoped that the negative impact would not be so significant as to halt the process.

Catlaks said that the restrictions imposed by Covid-19 had helped students learn two important components of new content: self-directed learning and digital skills.

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