Home » today » News » There are three policemen arrested for the crime of Blas Correa – Viva la radio

There are three policemen arrested for the crime of Blas Correa – Viva la radio

Prosecutor José Mana announced this Wednesday to Chain 3 that there was a third arrest in the context of the crime of Blas Correas, in the city of Córdoba.

The third implicated is the police Wanda Esquivel, who is accused of aggravated cover-up.

This arrest is in addition to those of agents Lucas Gómez and Javier Alarcón, accused of “attempted homicide.”

On the other hand, officer Yamila Martín was charged but not detained for omission of the duties of a public official.

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The murder of Correas occurred at dawn on Thursday, August 6, when, along with four friends and schoolmates, they were driving in a car after meeting in a bar and, according to the police summary that is still being investigated, they evaded a police check in the southern part of the city of Córdoba.

The policemen fired several shots, of which four hit the car, one of them entered through the rear window and embedded itself in the shoulder blade of Valentino, who was in the back of the vehicle and caused his death.

Report by Francisco Centeno.

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