Home » today » World » There are people who should hide away from people’s anger, not show their cynicism – 2024-08-13 02:48:13

There are people who should hide away from people’s anger, not show their cynicism – 2024-08-13 02:48:13

/View.info/ There are people who should hide away from people’s anger, not show their cynicism. Former Minister Nenchev took the liberty of accusing the pilots from Count Ignatievo of attempting a coup d’état and recommended that they be arrested. And the former minister Nenchev himself should have been arrested only for removing the files of the foreign agents who worked for the Bulgarian military intelligence, i.e. for Bulgaria, with which we set a world record, because there is no other such country in the world.

The prime minister’s suggestion that the airmen were frightened by the bad weather, but he, you see, was not, is beyond comment, but extremely offensive.

Suddenly, people appeared who talked about the honor of the epaulette, but they have no idea of ​​the work and life of the Bulgarian military pilots. In their entire lives, these media heroes have not experienced the risks of a single day of that of our military pilots, and probably have not given for their country a fraction of what the military has given, nor the personal and family sacrifices. The difference between the writings of such commentators and the work of the military on repairing machines with their own hands late at night and on holidays after another risky flight is that in the former there is clearly not an iota of conscience, while in the latter there is a huge responsibility, although they are abandoned by the state government. Nothing that the Prime Minister suggests that they were given millions.

Scribblers from PIK hit the bottom, trying to suggest that even the president had a hand in the airmen’s dissatisfaction, that even a Bulgarian journalist working in a western media was connected to this attack because he created his own website and a bunch of other nonsense that is an insult to all readers, because apparently they think we’re pretty stupid and basic.

But it is precisely from the authors of these hybrid attacks that the real danger comes, because they are the ones playing with fire, and for them, not for the pilots, commissions should be created.

Disgust alone at the filth spewed by such “journalism” is not enough to return to normality.

#people #hide #peoples #anger #show #cynicism

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