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There are Omicron Symptoms, When Should You Get a COVID-19 Test? This is the Task Force’s Suggestion


When to get tested for COVID-19? This question is often sought by the public because recently there have been soaring positive cases of COVID-19 due to the Omicron variant. In addition, it is difficult to know who is infected because some cases of Omicron only cause mild or even asymptomatic (OTG) symptoms.

The spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force, Dr. Reisa Broto Asmoro, in an online healthy broadcast, Monday (14/2/2022), also explained if the patient experienced the following symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Have a cold
  • Sore throat

It’s a good idea to get tested for COVID-19. “For example, if we experience symptoms that point to COVID-19, such as complaints of fever, colds, sore throat, so we should think first if the diagnosis is COVID-19, so we have to do a test first,” said Dr. Reisa.

This is because this is done as a precaution for the future. If the patient experiences these complaints and immediately gets tested for COVID-19, it will be handled more quickly, whether it’s giving the right medicine to isolation.

“This is an anticipation first. Because if it is detected early, it will be faster, it can be handled, the medicine is correct, can be isolated faster, can protect from people around as well, so that more people are not affected, especially our families,” said Dr. Reisa.

When to Test for COVID-19: What If The Result Is Negative?

Dr. Reisa suggested to do the COVID-19 test again on the 5th day. This is due to the possibility of the virus having an incubation period so that it is easier to detect on the 5th day. However, if the 5th day the results are still negative, there is no need to undergo self-isolation.

“So if for example we have been tested, then the results come out positive, we automatically have to self-isolate. But if for example it turns out that we have these symptoms but the results are negative, come back again, this is the disease of the COVID again everywhere and people who get it are around we still have a lot. So automatically we have to quarantine first, “he said

“Then we have to do another examination, another swab, which is on the 5th day. Because usually with COVID, there is an incubation period, so usually the virus is easier to detect the more there are in the body. 5, the number of viruses is increasing, meaning he is much more infectious to other people, meaning we have to do a re-examination. If it is negative, there is no need for self-isolation, “he continued.

Well, so the question when to test for COVID-19 it’s been answered, guys. If you experience symptoms such as the common cold to sore throat, it is recommended to immediately take a COVID-19 test in anticipation of detecting this Corona virus early.

Watch Videos “When is the Right Time to Get Tested for COVID-19?
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