Antonio Tizón is known mainly as a narrator, through the noir saga that he has signed since 2015 at Editorial Xerais, and which already has four volumes to his credit: «A luminous anteroom», «A strange home», «Os incurábeis» and «Lobos doentes».
At the end of 2025, the last novel in this series, “Madriña”, will be published, which directly connects with the “Coplas analfabetas” project, in which Tizón addresses the writing of an author’s romance novel “for his musical adaptation as part of a multimedia project on the recovery of historical memory as a tribute to my grandmother, María Dominga Cordeiro García, to the history of Galicia, and to Galician music of oral tradition.
«Coplas analfabetas», which has been selected to participate in the I Residencia Artistea de Artes e Pensamento, consists of the creation of a record book that It will consist of more than 50 poems, all chained romancesand a musical adaptation of a good part of those compositions that is already in the process of being prepared, a process coordinated by the singer and actress Eugenia Sanmartín and in which artists such as Davide Salvado, Uxía, Carmen Penín, or Helena de Alfonso y José will collaborate. Lara Gruñeiro, from the Barahúnda group.
Portrait of Tizón, created by Mari Quinteiro, which illustrates «Illiterate Coplas». / D.P.
The book will be illustrated by the Pontarean Mari Quinteiro, a descendant of the sculptor Alfonso Quinteiro, whose Corpus Village celebrates the centenary of his birth this year.
This is not the first lyrical project by Tizón, who already has an extensive and reliable career, in which the author highlights “Non hai espellos nos asylums”a multimedia project that, in addition to being published in book format, (Arraianos Producciones, 2019), can also be consulted openly on the web
“Coplas illiterates” is a project of great social importance, which demonstrates a deep knowledge of traditional metric structures and which offers a strong defense of non-literate women of previous generations, as guardians and transmitters of Galician culture. The romancer follows the line of the tribute that the Royal Galician Academy will pay next year to oral tradition poetrypersonified in the Mens tambourines, dedicating the day of Galician Literature to them.
During his artistic residency in Ponteareas he will interview different folk groups from the municipality to continue deepening his knowledge.
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