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There are fake two-euro coins. Here’s how to recognize them immediately

Beware of this scam. There are fake two-euro coins. We show you the way to recognize them immediately

(foto: Pixabay)

Never as in this period is it important to know recognize the coinsand that you own. Although the European currencies, the euros, are easily recognizable, every now and then one spreads fraud that involves fake coins.

Giving and receiving money is a habit that affects us all on a daily basis. It happens in the supermarket, tobacconist’s or restaurant. But you must always be careful and know what you have in your pocket. In this period, in fact, some of them go around a lot fake two euro coins. Here’s how to recognize them immediately.

Money scam: fake two-euro coins are spinning

Before talking about the useful way to to recognize immediately the scams and talk about fake two euro coins they are shooting these days, you need to do one premise. Coins such as Euros, in fact, are hardly falsifiable and it is not at all obvious that you will succeed. However, it is not uncommon run into scams involving fake coins.


To recognize fake coins it is therefore very important to defend against scams and, moreover, to avoid the danger of suffering sanctions. In this article, therefore, we show you a few effective methods to recognize the false ones.


It is important to try to comparison the suspect coin with one that, on the other hand, is certainly original. Once this fundamental “requirement” has been satisfied, we can proceed with three important passagesthe profits to recognize the fake two-euro coins.

  1. Take a coin (in this case 2 euro) e touch both sides of it with the fingers. You will surely feel the relief of the map of Europe and the face that changes for each nation. If both faces are not embossed, then the currency is a fake;

    (foto: Pixabay)

  2. Get one magnifying glass and get ready to analyze the edge of the coin. In the case of the 2 euros, one must be present raised edges milling, uniform and well defined. Also in this case, depending on the country of origin, the written, which may be in symbols or letters. Fake coins fail to effectively reproduce this writing, which at times may even be absent. Equally difficult to forge are the dots forming the map of the European Union. If this is absent, the currency is false;
  3. In this case, you will need one magnet. Both 1 euro and 2 euro coins are bimetalliche. The inner part is magnetic, while the external one does not. If the magnet does not stick to the inside, then the currency is fake.

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