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There are a lot of questions about the Sancaka Train Accident with Car Carrier Trucks, this is the explanation from KAI on page all

KOMPAS.com – Question upload train accident Sancaka with a car carrying truck in Mojokerto, East Java is busy on social media.

One of the information was uploaded by me on Instagram @jalur5, Thursday (26/1/2023).

“The Sancaka train had an accident with a car carrying truck at an alternative road crossing near the Mojokerto Bypass (plot MR – Tarik) today (26/1) at 20.40. As a result, train trips were disrupted,” write upload description.

As of Thursday night, the upload has been liked by more than 1,450 Instagram users.

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So, how did PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) explain the incident?

KAI explanation

KAI Public Relations Manager Daop 8 Surabaya Luqman Arif confirmed that there was an accident on the Sancaka Train with a truck.

He said the Sancaka Train with the Yogyakarta-Surabaya Gubeng route was hit by a truck at KM 51+825 between Mojokerto Station and Tarik Station on Thursday night.

As a result of this incident, the locomotive of the Sancaka Railway was damaged and replaced with a replacement locomotive imported from the Sidotopo Locomotive Depot.

“Until 22.30 WIB, the officers at the location were still trying to free up the track so that trains could pass again,” Luqman told Kompas.com, Thursday.

In addition, as a result of the incident, there were 3 trains whose journeys were interrupted, namely:

  • Local Economy Train Surabaya City-Kertosono relation
  • Wijaya Kusuma train Cilacap-Surabaya Gubeng-Ketapang route
  • Pasundan train, Kiaracondong-Surabaya Gubeng relation.

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KAI’s apology and passenger recovery service

He also apologized.

“On behalf of KAI Management, we apologize to customers who have experienced travel delays as a result of this incident,” he said.

Furthermore, the customers of KA Sancaka will get service recovery according to the applicable provisions.

“Likewise with other affected train customers, the officers will provide service recovery,” he explained.

Affected customers have been informed about the latest conditions of their train journeys through the train conductor.

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The current condition of the path can be passed

The latest update is up to 22.50 WIB, the train line can be traversed again by train trips.

The Sancaka train continued its journey back to Surabaya Gubeng Station, which was delayed by 110 minutes.

Meanwhile, the Wijaya Kusuma train, located at Mojokerto Station, was 45 minutes late, and the local train, Tarik Station, was 65 minutes late.

“We are committed to always prioritizing the safety, security and comfort of train travel. For this reason, we ask for the public’s prayers and support so that train travel can return to normal and run smoothly,” concluded Luqman.

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