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There are 91 new HIV / AIDS cases in NTB

Dr. Zainul Arifin (FASAL HARIS / RADAR LOMBOK0.)

MATARAM – The NTB Provincial Health Office (Dikes) has recorded an increase of 91 cases of human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV / AIDS) in the province of NTB, through September 2022.

“In 2021 there were 243 cases of HIV / AIDS. So, in 2022, there were only 91 cases reported”, said on Saturday (24/9) the head of the section for disease prevention and control, the NTB (Dinkes) provincial health office, Dr. Zainul Arifin, at Radar Lombok.

Of these cases, 5 HIV cases were from Mataram City, 3 cases in West Lombok, 3 cases in Central Lombok, 12 cases in East Lombok, 4 cases in West Sumbawa, 6 cases in Dompu, 2 cases in Bima and 2 cases in city ​​of Bima. .

While AIDS cases came from Mataram City up to 8 cases, West Lombok 4 cases, Central Lombok 7 cases, East Lombok 7 cases, Sumbawa 5 cases, Dompu 4 cases, Bima 2 cases, Bima City 4 cases and 5 cases from outside the NTB Zone. “Nobody died,” he told her.

Zainul also said that the first HIV / AIDS case has been found in NTB since 1992, with a total of 2,640 cases so far. “So the total cases since 1992 have been 2,640 cases, with 26 deaths. As for the origin of the patient who died, we cannot share information, “he said.

He said that from the number of cases found in NTB, those infected or infected with HIV / AIDS are still dominated by a productive age of 25 to 40. “The most productive age for HIV / AIDS positive cases is between 25 and 40,” she said.

In addition to the productive age infected with HIV / AIDS, he continued, there are also people over 40 years old, but the number is not excessive compared to the productive age. Likewise, the number of cases under the age of 20 is lower. “But if we count all ages, there are people who are infected with HIV / AIDS in NTB. But the most dominant is the productive age, if the child is infected by the mother, “she added.

According to him, promiscuity is one of the factors that induces the productive age to contract HIV / AIDS. Not only in large cities of Indonesia, but also in small cities such as the NTB region, unsafe sexual behavior is also rampant. And the consequences of injecting drug use.

“So, from the cases found, one of the causes is unsafe sexual behavior (mutual change of partners). Second, injecting drug use and the consequences of free association. Especially if we look at the survey results in big cities, promiscuity is affecting. Likewise in small cities, promiscuity is inevitable, “he said.

For this reason, continued Zainul, the efforts that the NTB Provincial Health Authority continues to make to anticipate, especially for young people, not to be infected with HIV / AIDS, are to continue to provide education. “We continue to carry out preventive promotions which we continue to do. Especially for young people who are still in school, we educate them to a healthy life, to have healthy sexual behavior and we do not change partners,” she said.

In addition, it is also active in providing information to the public about HIV / AIDS, as well as providing HIV / AIDS treatment services in all of the NTB hospitals. “This is what we continue to do, so that the community can be served in all health facilities,” he continued.

However, for those who are already at risk of being infected with HIV / AIDS, Zainul said, his party recommends having a checkup once a year. This is done so that they can provide treatment before symptoms occur. While it can’t be cured, at least it can last until the age of 70-80.

“This is what we keep stepping up. For those who feel at risk or are infected, see a doctor immediately so we can treat them. Since HIV / AIDS already has a cure, it cannot change from positive to negative. But people can be healthy into old age. Even up to the age of 70-80, they can survive, “he explained.

According to him, the case of HIV / AIDS is different from the case of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), which if there is an increase in cases is worth worrying about. But if HIV / AIDS cases have increased, it is because they are trying to handle the case immediately.

“Because we are looking for it, so that we can quickly cure people infected with HIV / AIDS, which is a chronic disease. It is the same with tuberculosis, if there are more cases, our goal is to find as many cases as possible so that they can be cured immediately “, she concluded. (Ps)

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