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There are 4 tips to end the coronavirus, according to the director of the CDC of the United States | Health | Magazine

The United States is the country with the most cases of SARS-CoV2 (covid-19). Perhaps it is partly due to theories against the frequent use of masks, but it could also be because the confinement lasted a short time in the industries and the air travel did not stop.

The new coronavirus has claimed the lives of more than 760,889 people on the planet and more than 21.2 million have been infected.

The United States is by far the country with the most critical figures, adding more than 168,446 deaths and 5.3 million cases.

Given this, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Dr. Robert Redfield, warned that his country could enter the worst fall in the history of American public health if people do not follow instructions of health officials to stop the coronavirus.

To avoid this situation, Redfield asked the community to follow 4 simple steps in order to defeat the coronavirus. “I ask you to do 4 simple things: wear a mask, maintain social distancing, wash your hands, and be smart when moving through crowds. If we do those 4 things, this outbreak will end, ”said Redfield. “But, if we don’t do that, this could be the worst drop from a public health perspective we’ve had,” he concluded.

Use of mask

There is increasing evidence that cloth face coverings help prevent people with COVID-19 from transmitting the virus to others.

“We are not defenseless against COVID-19,” said Dr. Robert R. Redfield, director of the CDC. “Cloth face coverings are one of the most powerful weapons we have to slow and stop the spread of the virus, especially when used universally within a community setting. All Americans have a responsibility to protect themselves, their families, and their communities. “

To his 4 recommendations, Redfield adds advising millions of Americans to get vaccinated against influenza.

Get vaccinated and avoid the flu

“In time, this virus will end. It is going to infect the majority of the world’s population or we are going to have a biological countermeasure that will be an effective vaccine ”, he hoped. There are currently numerous potential COVID-19 vaccines in development, three of which are already in Phase 3 trials. Redfield said he is “cautiously optimistic” that there will be “one or more vaccines” ready to roll out in the United States before end of the year.

However, he stressed that the annual flu vaccine is also of crucial importance. “If there is one thing we can all do, besides the importance of wearing a mask, social distancing, washing hands and being smart in meetings … to finally prepare for fall, it is to get vaccinated against influenza,” he recalled.

Although common, the flu is still one of the leading causes of death in the United States.

The CDC urges people to get a flu shot not only to protect themselves from a life-threatening illness, but also to protect the American healthcare system. “We are going to have COVID in the fall and we are going to have the flu in the fall, and either of them by themselves can stress certain hospital systems. I’ve seen hospital intensive care units stretched out for a severe flu season, and clearly we’ve all seen it recently with COVID, ”he added. (I)

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