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There are 4.4 million galaxies in this photo, so beautiful!

JAKARTA – Amount star in the sky more than the grains of sand on earth. Therefore, scientists continue to seek and examine the mysteries of the universe.

One of them, seen in this photo. There are 4.4 million galaxy captured in one photo. The photo was published by scientists at Durham University. They managed to show pictures of millions of galaxies and space objects that are very detailed.

What is unique, of the 4.4 million galaxies captured in the photo has a large black hole or black hole. Also, generate new stars at a very high speed.

According to scientists, most of the light spots seen in the image are billions of light years from Earth.

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Some of the rare objects captured in the image include colliding galaxies and a flaming star in the Milky Way.

How to capture so many galaxies in one photo? The scientists used European radio telescopes and spent 3,500 hours. So large, that the data used is enough to fill 20,000 laptops.

This is because of the large number of recorded objects. They discovered nearly a million new objects.

“Every time we do a mapping, our screen is filled with new discoveries and objects that have never been seen by the human eye,” explains astronomer Timothy Shimwell of ASTRON and Leiden University.

“This figure is only 27% of the entire survey and we hope it will lead to more scientific breakthroughs in the future,” he said.

“Through this research we open the door to new discoveries, where we can process data with 20 times better resolution,” added Durham University scientist Dr Leah Morabito.


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