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there are 3 exceptions that allow it and they are very convenient

If you choose the flat rate VAT system, can you take advantage of home bonuses? Here are the 3 exceptions that allow it

The flat rate VAT number guarantees various advantages but not those of home bonuses. But beware of some exceptions.

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House bonus and VAT number with a flat-rate scheme are not, in principle, compatible. However, there are 3 exceptions that still allow you to benefit from the benefits.

Some will already know that the subsidized flat-rate scheme was introduced a few years ago by law. It provides various simplifications and concessions for small businesses. In fact, it is an ad hoc tax regime, which includes tax and accounting simplifications for members who have opened one VAT number.

Created to facilitate the insertion of young professionals into the world of work or to support those who already have activities started, the flat-rate scheme has undoubted practical advantages. For example. thanks to it, the member can reduce billing costs, in consideration of the reduced rate for taxes and the reduction in the percentage of INPS contributions.

However, there are some weaknesses. In fact, today it is no longer possible to deduct some services that were previously scalable. One might ask whether this also applies to i house bonus: below we intend to deepen these issues, to give a timely response. Is it possible to take advantage of the home bonus when you have a subsidized VAT number? Let’s find out in the course of this article.

Subsidized VAT number and home bonus: the advantages of the flat-rate scheme

Going immediately to give an answer to the question just mentioned, we clarify that like the other benefits provided by the law, also in terms of bonus house VAT numbers are in some way penalized. But this is only in general terms, since in certain circumstances it is still possible to take advantage of the home benefits for mortgages and renovations, provided for in recent years. We will see it shortly.

To understand what relationships there are between VAT number on a flat-rate basis and home bonus, it seems appropriate first to give some general information on the aforementioned favorable regime.

Subsidized VAT number and flat-rate regime are synonyms and refer to a context in which the holder of p. IVA benefits in the following ways:

  • can take advantage of a reduced tax rate of 5%, for the first 5 years of a new business and then pass to 15%;
  • there is a subsidized taxation of 15% for those who already have a VAT number and decide to switch from the traditional system to the flat-rate one;
  • annual billing ceiling of 65 thousand euros;
  • do not limit d’età;
  • lean and simplified economic management compared to the traditional non-flat rate VAT number.

Difficult to access for members of the facilitated VAT system

It is well known that in recent years the Government it intended to promote a dense network of bonuses and concessions, in light of the socio-economic consequences of the pandemic and the energy crisis of recent times.

Among the tax breaks, we have the bonus house, or mechanisms to support the renovation of a home or the purchase by young people with a mortgage. Also interesting are the bonuses that aim to favor the rent in case of young people with a low income, or who want to get closer to the workplace. Not only. Homeowners are supported by various tax deductions.

As you can easily see, the home bonus framework is really extensive, and therefore it is legitimate to ask what are the possible relationships or any compatibility with those who make use of the facilitated VAT system.

Well, the point is the following. Bonuses, deductions, structural incentives and energy efficiency imply rather simple access methods, with a communication in your tax return. However, accessing these tax advantages is much more complicated for those with a subsidized VAT number. Why does this happen?

The facilitated VAT number it involves, as mentioned, numerous concessions but, as a balance, it does not allow the deduction of various expenses already reduced from invoicing. For example, the expenses of the home bonus are included, which cannot be declared in your 730 or which, in any case, do not imply a deduction as in the case of the classic VAT number or of workers or employees. Same considerations apply to the mortgage deduction.

Reduced VAT number: the 3 exceptions that allow you to take advantage of home bonuses

The adherents to the facilitated regime must not, however, despair. There are three different ways to access the bonus house, or to the facilitated deduction of the works or for the purchase of the first home.

Here they are in summary:

  • be a holder of a VAT number and an employee (second activity with income as an employee subject to IRPEF taxation).
  • be the owner of a flat rate VAT number and a rented house. The income deriving from the rent of a house of ownership contributes to the personal income tax, like the employee. Therefore there is the possibility to deduct the expenses related to the various house bonuses.
  • be holders of a reduced VAT number and perform occasional services with withholding tax or services with transfer of copyright. In these cases, the deduction of personal income tax contributes, making it possible to access the bonus house.

This is why in all three cases expressed it is possible to make, within the tax return, the communication to obtain the deductions through the new bonuses.

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