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“There are 100,000 cases on the way”: this can cause panic

There is not only the Covid in this gag 2020. According to the virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco, with the arrival of the first colds there will be the so-called ” sindrome parainfluenza”, that is, viral forms ”cousins ​​of the real influence” that will put thousands of people to bed. ‘’10 thousand cases are on the way, from 4 to 8 million Italians will be affected”, is the rough estimate by the expert.

A flu-like syndrome

Let’s make it clear from the start: this is not a lethal disease that will decimate the population. In order to avoid apocalyptic proclamations, it is good to specify that it is a seasonal malaise similar, in terms of symptoms, to a mild influenza. ”As every year – explains Pregliasco in an interview with Corriere della SeraItalians will be affected by the ‘cousin flu virus’ which gives very similar symptoms but in a milder form. There are 262 viruses of this type compared to 4 of the actual flu. They frequently strike during this period, before the actual flu and, in general, just when the temperature changes begin, they are very common in schools”.

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The symptoms of this parainfluenza syndrome are, in essence, those characterizing the flu and therefore: cough, cold, headache or some line of fever. Nothing particularly worrying, in short. Except that, in times of pandemic, we are alarmed even by a sneeze and at the first cough, probably, the lightning rush to hospital starts with the suspicion of having contracted Covid. ”There will be alarm and a possible overload of the laboratories for the execution of swabs with serious consequences on the surveillance system. – continues Pregliasco – It is the first test: we begin the battle of winter. These flu-like forms that will affect Italians will be more banal but also more challenging. A single symptom can alarm the fear of the coronavirus and trigger the need for a differential diagnosis, calling into question individual pediatricians and family doctors who will have to evaluate the need for the swab.”. The problem is represented by the symptoms: colds and nasal congestion are present in 7 to 35% of Covid cases; cough from 38 to 80% of cases, while fever from 40 to 80%. So what to do? The advice is to avoid temperature changes, preferring a “ layered clothing ” and, above all, avoid panic at the first clinex used.

Does the flu vaccine protect against parainfluenza syndromes?

Since there are many similarities between flu, flu-like syndromes and Covid-19, it is good to keep your nerves without letting yourself be overwhelmed by a state of agitation. ”Typically, parainfluenza viruses – continues Pregliasco – they present with fewer symptoms, even one, and resolve within a few days. The real flu, on the other hand, tends to travel with intense and prolonged cold, therefore more likely from December onwards”. The flu vaccine, according to the virologist, this year can be very helpful. ”However, it will not protect us from ‘cousin viruses’. For this – observes – in the presence of fever, cough and cold, even if vaccinated against the flu, it will not be necessary to immediately think about Covid-19”. The good news is, regardless of the vaccine or not, a milder flu season is expected this year. ”At least according to what happened in the southern hemisphere: mask, hand washing, distancing, that is all the prevention measures against Covid-19, they will also be useful for the prevention of flu”, concludes the expert.

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