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Therapy against coronavirus: team led by Josef Penninger starts study in China

A research group around Josef Penninger has developed a promising active ingredient that is against the new coronavirus could work. A study with 24 seriously ill patients is scheduled to take place in the coming days China in Guangzhou northwest of Hong Kong start.

This quick start is possible because Penninger Already found out in 2005 how the SARS coronavirus makes the infected sick: The research group discovered at the time that the SARS virus on the surface of cells is linked to a special enzyme (ACE 2) docks – and can multiply in the body cells. The clinical pilot study is being carried out by the small Viennese biotech company Apeironby Penninger Founded.

“We have already been able to show that this enzyme is the molecule to which the new one is attached coronavirus binds – even better than the SARS virus, “says Penninger to the COURIER. “New data comes every day to confirm that.”

After the SARS epidemic in 2002/2003, Penninger’s team has already succeeded in genetically engineering this receptor. “At that time, we already carried out studies on humans to test their safety and tolerability – and our enzyme has proven to be harmless and well tolerated. So we already have data on humans – this is our great advantage now.”

“Like a sponge”

The researchers hope: if they inject this enzyme into a sick person, the new one will bind coronavirus of it – and not of the “original” variant on the body cells: “It would then be like a sponge that does that virus and stops it from docking on the body cells and going into the cells. “

That is two days ago drug in China landed: “We are waiting for the first patient to be injected now,” says Penninger,

“For us it was of course a coincidence that a drug, on which we worked many years after the SARS crisis, now on a new one virus that shows the same mechanism of disease development. “

If the first small study is successful – “we hope for data in three to five weeks” – a larger study with more patients is planned. “Then we would go too Wuhan go and include patients in the study there. “

Incidentally, the study will be carried out according to the highest scientific criteria: there will be a control group that will receive medical care according to the highest standards, but without the new one drug, This enables the researchers to clearly identify differences.

“No specific therapy so far”

The importance of the success of such studies is demonstrated by the fact that “there is currently no specific antiviral therapy for this virus there, “writes the virologist Elisabeth Puchhammer-Stöckl in the Virus epidemiological information. So far, therapy has been against coronaviruses not a topic of great importance since the circulating for a long time coronaviruses cause only mild symptoms of a flu infection in humans. “SARS has been eradicated and infections with the MERS coronavirus are rare. “

At the moment, international ones are being approved especially for therapy against other viruses drugs examined. With the substance of Josef Penninger but it is a completely new substance.

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