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Therapist called the dangerous complications after suffering “on the feet” of the flu

Doctor Marina Konstantinova said that the risk of complications from the flu is much higher if you carry the disease “on your feet.”

The risk of dangerous complications from the flu is much higher if you carry the disease “on your feet.” Reported on January 26 Ura.rureferring to a general practitioner Maryna Konstantinova.

– Stress, mental stress, physical activity, cold can lead to the fact that the body simply does not have enough strength to fight a viral infection. The virus itself and its toxins will begin to penetrate into the bloodstream and further into all organs, thereby causing serious complications and can even lead to death, the expert’s news agency quotes.

Among the serious complications of influenza, transferred “on the legs”, she called pneumonia, the formation of a lung abscess, the formation of empyema, acute respiratory distress syndrome. Also, in its advanced form, the disease can lead to bacterial rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis media, tracheitis, viral encephalitis, meningitis, neuritis, radiculoneuritis, liver damage, Reye’s syndrome, myocarditis, toxic-allergic shock.

Marina Konstantinova added that people with chronic diseases, the elderly and children are at risk.

As previously reported, incidence of influenza and SARS in the Krasnodar Territory began to decline. Since the beginning of the epidemic season, 5189 laboratory-confirmed cases of influenza have been registered in the Kuban, including seasonal swine influenza, which accounts for about 60%. The epidemiological threshold in the region has not been exceeded.

According to the deputy head of the department of Rospotrebnadzor for the Krasnodar Territory, Tatyana Grechanaya, there has been a decrease in the number of hospitalizations of patients with influenza and SARS – these are severe, moderately severe forms. The indicator decreased by almost 43%. Lethal cases were not registered.

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