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Theranos, Elizabeth Holmes found guilty of fraud – Corriere.it

from Massimo Gaggi

The founder of Theranos was on trial in San Jose, California. His company promised sophisticated one-drop blood tests but that wasn’t true

The fable of the brilliant businesswoman, a Female Steve Jobs, able to revolutionize the tests of laboratory – and with them a part of the medicine – with his pioneering method of to analyze the blood, it was already over four years ago, with the blocking of all attivit, revealed themselves fraudulent, and the failure of his company, the Theranos. Yesterday, with the condemnation decided by the jury of the court of San Jos, California, also fall the illusion that Silicon Valley entrepreneurs are granted a presumption of good faith, a kind of special pass, when they promise theunachievable or, in any case, they try avventure rashly knowing they are dilapidando the resources entrusted to them by investors.

Elizabeth Holmes, an entrepreneur 37-year-old who launches his own industrial bet when it was little more than twenty years old, was convicted of quattro of the 11 charges which had been challenged by federal prosecutors, at the end of a process long and denso from twists. Tormented even in the conclusions: after listening 32 witnesses over a period of over three months and having witnessed the unusual testimony of the same defendant that for a whole week, often bursting into tears, he tried to convince them that he was wrong in good faith, the 12 jurors – eight men and four women – needed more than one week and of 50 ore of threads to arrive at one judgment. That might as well have been of mistrial, that is of impossibility to reach a unanimous verdict (mandatory in the American criminal trial) resulting in the need for reset everything e start over all over again.

But when the jurors warned of not be in degree from arrive still’understanding on at least three heads Judge Edward Davila invited them to deliberate anyway on other points. The jury recognized Holmes guilty to have defrauded its investors (who had poured out at the Theranos ben 945 million dollars) while it has acquitted for the charges relating to damage suffered by patients to which they were provided wrong results for their blood tests. L’entity from the pity it will be decided between few months by Judge Davila, but the risk, for Holmes, of being condemned a many years from imprisonment does not appear to have been substantially reduced by the fact that 7 of the 11 charges I am fallen. Each one of those for whom she was sentenced, in fact, leads a maximum penalty from twenty years of imprisonment (penalties to be served, for, simultaneously, not in succession).

If, as he gave the impression he wanted to do during all the process, the judge Avila intends to punish her with a exemplary punishment, Holmes, who among other things just became a mother, will have to pass different years behind the bars: first case of a technology entrepreneur who undergoes a heavy sentence criminal. Elizabeth went out of her way to avoid it: ha accused his business partner and lover, Ramesh Balwani, to have her plagiarism is really raped. Balwani, also accused of the Theranos crack, will come processed separately in the next weeks ma la jury did not believe the plagiarism n at rape, also because the defenders of Balwani presented hundreds from email full of messages
amorosi that the two exchanged for five years, from 2011 to 2016. Holmes did it too big per get away with it: has defrauded many investors among whom they appear prestigious characters as the publisher Rupert Murdoch and family members Walton, the founders of Wal-mart, the giant of the US supermarkets. And he involved, making them join his board of directors, of his company prominent statesmen absolute like the former secretaries of state Henry Kissinger e George Schultz and the general James Mattis, wich was Minister of the Defense of Trump.

In the moment of maximum success, when printing he hailed her, the weeklies dedicated them covers in bursts and her millantava
agreements non-existent with large pharmaceutical companies as the PfizerTheranos arriv a good-bye 9 billion dollars. But in 2015 theinvestigation of an Journalist skillful and courageous, John Carreyrou del Wall Street Journal, to show that thecompany of miracles it was, in fact, just a house of cards and that his miraculous machinery they were gods bidoni.


January 4, 2022 (change January 4, 2022 | 03:32)

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