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Theory of Science on the Formation of the Universe Written in the Koran: Okezone techno

JAKARTAuniverse known as all space from Earth to heaven complete with energy and matter. The Koran and science itself explain how this universe was formed.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a Russian physicist, Alexander Friedmann, discovered that the universe is expanding.

This fact is further confirmed by a telescope from Edwin Hubble, an American astronomer who revealed that stars and galaxies are in constant motion.

Researchers also believe that the universe formed 10 to 20 billion years ago. The universe itself, made up of very large and dense energy, is therefore constantly expanding.

Summarized from the book Qur’an vs Modern Science, Ramadhani, it was stated that through a sensitive instrument, namely the Cosmic Background Emission Explorer (COBE), it was revealed that there were remnants of the great explosion of the universe.

The results of the study led most scientists to believe the Big Bang theory. Another proof of the truth of the Big Bang theory is the successful discovery of the relative quantities of hydrogen and helium in the universe.

While in the holy book Al-Quran, this scientific fact was revealed a long time ago, around 14 centuries ago. In one of the suras of the Quran, Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala says that if the universe experiences expansion.

And we built the sky with our hands and we are unable to do it

“And we lifted up the sky with (our) power, and we really expanded it” (Az-Zariyat: 47).

The formation of the universe is also explained in Sura Al Anbiya verse 30. This verse also explains that the creation of the universe is through a process.

The unbelievers did not see that the heavens and the earth were united, so he separated them and made them

“And the unbelievers do not know that once the heavens and the earth were one, then we separated them. And from the water we made all living beings. So why do they not believe too” (QS Al anbiya: 30).

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