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Theoretically The Best Covid-19 Corpse Buried

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

domestic Minister Tito Karnavian assess the best way to deal with the body of a positive patient corona virus (Covid-19) that is by burning rather than burial. It was intended that the corona virus that infects the bodies also died due to fire.

“The best, I’m sorry I am Muslim, but in theory the best is to be burned, because the virus will die too,” Tito said when filling out a Webinar published by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Jakarta, Wednesday (7/22).

Nevertheless, Tito stated that such a method might reap the pros and cons in Indonesian society.

He then suggested that if a conventional burial was carried out, then the health protocol for handling the remains must be put forward. Starting from the corpse must be wrapped tightly and there are no permits whatsoever during the screening process.

“Because the virus will survive. And try to be buried in a grave without running water, (meaning) dry, hot,” said Tito.

In addition, Tito also reminded the public to continue to prevent early spread of the corona virus. One of them frequently washing hands, because washing with soap in water will kill the corona virus.

“The destroyer is soap. Before ablution wash hands with soap in running water. Or after ablution wash hands,” said Tito.

Not only that, Tito stressed that corona can also be killed with alcohol solutions above 70 percent. He also stated the corona virus can die at temperatures of 50 degrees Celsius. Even ultraviolet rays such as sunlight can also kill corona.

“God has helped Indonesia with enough sunlight, so that it can kill corona,” said Tito.

It is known, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia itself has published protocols for handling the bodies of Covid-19 patients. The protocol is regulated through Kepmenkes Number HK.01.07 / MENKES / 413/2020 concerning Prevention and Control of Corona Virus Disease. The decision was just signed by Minister of Health Terawan Agus Putranto on July 13 last.

One of the protocol handling points is that the body must be wrapped in a shroud or given clothes. Then, the body was intended into a bag and a chest and then tightly closed.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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