Home » today » Entertainment » Theater workshop starts for high school students in the southeast – YoCiudadano

Theater workshop starts for high school students in the southeast – YoCiudadano

City Juarez Chihuahua. – With the collaboration of the theater director of the Telón de Arena company, César Cabrera, the civil association Arte en el Parque, conducts a theater workshop for high school studentswhich takes place on Mondays from 10 in the morning to 1 in the afternoon.

This Monday, the theater workshop began by César Cabrera, an artist with more than 40 years of experience in this discipline as a director, pedagogue, instructor and set designer. At the first session, 24 boys and girls from Federal Secondary School 17, located in the Carlos Castillo Peraza neighborhood, attended..

In the theater workshop, the body will be the main working instrument, says César. The physical body, ideas, emotions, reasoning, interests, passions and everything that makes up a person’s identity become the essential elements of work. The workshop facilitator added that theater cannot be conceived without interaction with the other.

The body is one and is one with the other. That happens on stage, if I don’t meet the other, nothing happens. Even people who do monologues, their interlocutor is the public or an imaginary character”, he explains.

During this Monday’s session, the participants carried out different dynamics where body expression, interaction with the other, recognition of space and objects, as well as self-recognition were worked on. Tastes, opinions and expectations of the theater class were also worked on.

Photography: Jonathan Alvarez

César Cabrera says that from the Arena Curtain various theater programs have been carried out for the student population of the peripheries, far from the cultural centers. For him, it is important to make this discipline known to promote coexistence and the development of taste and criticism.

“The stage is a tool for express the ideas that combine us and our own ideas”I consider.

To the theater workshop The ‘I am a superhero/heroine’ workshop is added, which consists of sessions for making guiñol puppets. This activity also takes place on Mondays, from 11 in the morning to 2 in the afternoon at Federal Secondary School 17.

Both cultural activities are part of the ‘Comunidades Juárez’ social project, sponsored by the Fundación del Empresariado Chihuahuaense, AC (Dechac), in collaboration with the Fundación Comunitaria de la Frontera Norte, AC (FCFN).

Photography: Jonathan Alvarez

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