national works
theater podcast
Uruguayan productions available on Spotify.
We share six theater podcasts, the result of the call made in 2021 for the co-production of works for sound support.
It was called to present proposals for national dramaturgy works of all times adapted for the sound space, including original music.
They applied 19 projects and a jury chose six to be produced with a contribution from INAE of around 75,000 pesos each.
Selected projects:
- Regretby Jimena Marquez. Production by Lucía Pereira Artigas.
- Don’t see, don’t hear, don’t speakby Stefanie Neukirch. Produced by Miriam Pellegrinetti.
- The radio divasby Carlos Manuel Varela. Production by Felix Correa.
- idea in your ear, by Rachel Diana. Produced by María Clara Vázquez Viñas.
- Magic Calandria, the radio dramaby Rodrigo Spagnuolo. Production by Gonzalo Morales Colman.
- The old houseby Alberto Paredes. Production by Gustavo Suárez.
The six podcasts can be heard on the Spotify account of the National Directorate of Culture: