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Theater on Broadway: they anticipated the return of the theater in New York

The theater in Broadway advances its reopening date, after being a year without activity, with the premiere of “Pass Over”.

In New York, Broadway advances its reopening date, after being a year without activity, with the premiere of “Pass Over.”

After being a year without activity due to the coronavirus pandemic, the theater on Broadway. Those responsible for conducting the season announced that the start is scheduled for August 4.

New York City looks forward to the reopening of the theater on Broadway. The landscape of luminous canopies with the names of the works was something that last year could not be appreciated and that this year will finally have its revenge.

In New York, Broadway advances its reopening date, after being a year without activity, with the premiere of
In New York, Broadway advances its reopening date, after being a year without activity, with the premiere of “Pass Over.”

According to the announcements, the first play to have a show this year will be “Pass Over”, which is inspired by “Waiting for Godot” by Samuel Beckett. The presentation will take place at the August Wilson Theater.

This production had already had its deployment in what is known as the “off Broadway” circuit and its success gave it the possibility of being on the main street of New York theaters,

The story of “Pass Over” narrates the musings of two black men who sleep on the streets of a city that treats them with great mistrust. It was previously adapted into a television format by film director Spike Lee, and is available on the Amazon platform.

In New York, Broadway advances its reopening date, after being a year without activity, with the premiere of
In New York, Broadway advances its reopening date, after being a year without activity, with the premiere of “Pass Over.”

On the other hand, the successful “Hamilton”, “Wicked” and “The Lion King” will return to the billboard on September 14. All of them already had a number of tickets sold until 2022 and they are without a doubt the most anticipated by the public.

Within the protocols that were carried out for the return of the theater on Broadway, was the installation of a vaccination center for all the staff of the show. This allowed the rehearsals to be reopened and the selection of a date for the reopening to the public.

See also:

The New York Theater now has its vaccination center on Broadway

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