Home » today » World » “Theater for morons” * occurred at Positano-20 – 2024-06-27 22:52:11

“Theater for morons” * occurred at Positano-20 – 2024-06-27 22:52:11

/ world right this moment information/ “The theater for morons occurred. The Nationwide Council of the BSP was overwhelmed with proposals for the principles based on which the chief of the celebration must be elected in all-party elections, and subsequently we requested for the creation of a working group to course of them, to be voted on on the subsequent Nationwide Council”, revealed individuals in right this moment’s assembly of the BSP’s highest governing physique.

Nonetheless, the clique of the chief Cornelia Ninova didn’t settle for the proposal for the creation of a working group, after which 20 individuals instantly left the assembly, and after them one other dozen along with Georgi Pirinski and Ani Pirinska. Since at first of right this moment’s plenum there have been solely 101 individuals out of a complete of 187 members, the quorum with which the choices are taken is beneath big query, the socialists are outraged.

Earlier than that, a particular fee, headed by Ana Yaneva, lengthy labored out the principles for the all-party election of a pacesetter, however since Ninova’s individuals criticized her work, they weren’t accepted. Such have been the votes of Ninova’s clique from the Government Bureau of the BSP, however right this moment they weren’t accepted by the Nationwide Council of the celebration both.

The subject of the purple deputies who supported Sotir Tsatsarov for head of KPCONPI and break up the parliamentary group, blaming the chief’s choice to not vote for the earlier chief prosecutor, and was not raised in any respect. In response to individuals within the assembly, the reason being that the truth that Ninova performed a double recreation was revealed.

At right this moment’s assembly of the BSP Nationwide Council, too few members confirmed up, vital figures from the Ninova opposition have been nearly utterly absent, and it’s not in any respect recognized whether or not the discussion board gathered a quorum to open the assembly and make choices.

One of many notably absent socialists was Georgi Bozhinov.

“Sure, I did not go to that assembly saying to my younger associates that I do not need to hear from them any extra: ‘You are proper. And we predict so.” I need to hear what they suppose and say what they suppose. I informed them {that a} chief is made in battle, not by ready to be appointed as one, and so they have participated in such appointments. I stated them that the BSP has at all times wanted leaders and leaders, and now this want is very acute, since there are liquidators or traitors on the prime of the celebration. I informed them that I can’t be a sufferer of their political rampage. That’s the reason I didn’t go at right this moment’s assembly of the Nationwide Council of the BSP,” stated Bozhinov.

* The expression “Theater for morons” is from a participant within the assembly of the Nationwide Meeting of the BSP. The participant meant not that members of the Nationwide Meeting are moronsand that a few of the screenwriters consider them as such and they’re ready for every session by a dumber and dumber script. The extra active-minded and opinionated members of the celebration’s governing physique left the corridor outraged by the ruthlessness of the principle scriptwriters.

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