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The zodiac signs who are afraid of falling in love. Do you know them?

Even if by definition love is considered the noblest of feelings, it also represents a source of many mental “upsets”, linked to lifestyle and the way of interpreting people, even when one is not in love. A particular relationship or even simply a “crush” are things that can leave their mark, so not everyone is interested in experiencing this feeling, “theoretically” beneficial. In fact, some people are frightened by the hypothesis of “losing their minds” for someone for very different reasons. What are the signs who are afraid of falling in love?

The zodiac signs who are afraid of falling in love. Do you know them?


Although they would never admit it, Virgos are not scared “literally” but they absolutely do not understand the advantages of falling in love especially because being very rigorous and measured, this could make them look “flawed” and no longer as perfect as they usually want to appear. Even when they are in love they tend to reveal less than the average person.


More “genuine” the fear of falling in love with Gemini who already have to “deal” with a deep and difficult personality to keep at bay: if on the one hand they are looking for a soul mate, on the other if the partner is not the same right can compromise their lifestyle even more.


He is afraid of binding himself because he is a free spirit, a solar one, and the idea of ​​being “connected” to someone, and therefore conditioned is not so attractive. Given a choice, he would much prefer to keep his own judgment when he is dating someone. Love is seen as a commitment that is often too “great”.

signs falling in love

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