The Bulgarian clairvoyant preferred not to work with them.
In the minds of most people, psychics are powerful people who are not afraid of anything in the world. After all, they are subject to spheres that mere mortals cannot even imagine without a chill. However, this is not the case. Even the legendary Vanga felt powerless when she had to work with representatives of specific zodiac signs. They took up too much energy.
a lion
Fire signs are known to have strong personalities. Especially Leo, who, among other things, is considered the king of the zodiac. You definitely can’t deny him charisma and the ability to make a favorable impression, but if something goes against his plans, the zodiac cat will leave no stone unturned.
Those who disturb his peace will not fare well.
It was this inner strength, this powerful energy flow that frightened the Bulgarian clairvoyant. Vanga preferred not to work with representatives of the fire element, since after communicating with them it takes a long time to restore strength. In addition, they are difficult to “read” – Leos seem to be putting up a block, a defense that a psychic cannot break through.
According to eyewitnesses, Vanga was not too willing to work with Scorpios. They have too much heavy energy. Even when a sign representative turns to a psychic on his own initiative, the expert has to spend a lot of effort to read his thoughts and look into the future.
If desired, Scorpio himself can become a psychic – for this he is endowed with all the necessary abilities.
True, it is unlikely that a water sign will waste its time on other people. He is too focused on his career, ambitious and ambitious. Instead of helping others, Scorpio will focus on his beloved self.
Like Scorpio, Pisces are endowed with good extrasensory data. Representatives of the water element can see the future down to the smallest details. True, those around us do not always believe in this gift – but only until they themselves are convinced of its existence. People are a little afraid of the insightful Pisces.
Vanga tried to avoid working with this water sign.
In her opinion, Pisces themselves are able to predict their future. In addition, they are the owners of powerful energy that knocks you off your feet like a wave. Working with representatives of the water element is very labor-intensive; they hardly allow strangers into their energy field.