Home » today » Entertainment » The youngest daughter of Catherine and Alexander Strizhenov is getting married

The youngest daughter of Catherine and Alexander Strizhenov is getting married

Churekov also did not skimp on compliments to his girlfriend. “She supports me always and in everything. She is too kind to people. I love her smile. She has an excellent upbringing. She knows what family values ​​and traditions are. She loves to be at my house more than anywhere else, ”said the young man.

Apparently, Sasha Strizhenova’s parents approve of her choice, but have not yet commented on the future wedding of lovers.

“Of course, both mom and dad are aware of my life – both personal and public. But happiness, as they say, loves silence, and the more this is spread everywhere, the more problems and ill-wishers there will be, ”Alexandra once shared in an interview“7 days».

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