Home » today » News » The young man who kicked the civil guard at a Vox rally was not “ultra-left” but a follower of Abascal | Politics

The young man who kicked the civil guard at a Vox rally was not “ultra-left” but a follower of Abascal | Politics

The young man who kicked a Civil Guard in plain clothes this past Wednesday at a Vox rally in Navalcarnero (Madrid) is a follower of Santiago Abascal and the far-right party, so he is not an “ultra-leftist” as the political party itself pointed out . The newspaper ‘Infolibre’ has confirmed it after talking to the father of the 17-year-old who attacked the agent: “Vox is very good at taking a photo of my son saying that he is one of the far-left and that those are the ones who have blown up the rally.”

They are manipulating the information“said the father of the young man who responds to the initials of IRM and that in this same act of Vox he tried to photograph himself with Santiago Abascal. However, the aggressor’s relative has also indicated in the interview that the adolescent received several hits before that he kicked the civil guard who was in civilian clothes in the act of the far-right party. “Whether he is a supporter of Vox or not, there is no right to the brutal force that this man exercises with my son.”

Several members of Vox, including Santiago Abascal and Iván Espinosa de los Monteros, shared the video where they accompanied the video of the attack with this text: “A friendly young man thanking a Civil Guard for the advantages that he gives the society in which he lives. “For his part, the leader of the formation publicly asked his followers to” defend themselves “for themselves in similar situations.

This Vox rally in Navalcarnero was dissolved by order of Santiago Abascal himself so that the Security Forces would act in the protests that were around the event. It was the digital medium ‘La Gaceta’ who published in an article the incident with the headline of ‘The violence that Marlaska protects: brutal attack on a Civil Guard agent after the Vox act in Navalcarnero ‘where they pointed out that the attack was “a brigadista from Iglesias.” This post no longer exists.

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