Home » today » Entertainment » The Young Lion: Cantonese Musical Debut in Hong Kong Celebrates Lion Dance Culture as Intangible Cultural Heritage

The Young Lion: Cantonese Musical Debut in Hong Kong Celebrates Lion Dance Culture as Intangible Cultural Heritage

China News Service, Hong Kong, March 8th: Title: The Cantonese version of the musical “The Young Lion” debuted in Hong Kong to sing the “intangible cultural heritage” lion dance culture

China News Service reporter Dai Xiaolu

On the evening of March 8, at the invitation of the 52nd Hong Kong Arts Festival, the Cantonese version of the musical “The Young Lion”, co-created by artists from Guangdong and Hong Kong and adapted from the popular mainland animated film, was successfully performed at the Grand Theater of the Hong Kong Cultural Center Premiere. The more than two-hour performance gave the audience a real experience of “Lion Dance Youth Chasing Dreams” that combines dance, martial arts and music.

The musical “The Young Lion” tells the story of an ordinary young man, Ajuan, who went through ups and downs to learn skills from a teacher, and finally succeeded in transforming. From being a “sick cat” who was not favored at first, he learned to dance the lion’s head and jump high pole, and finally with the help of his teammates, he jumped to the lion king of “Optimus Prime”. Under the leadership of “Qiang”, he won the lion awakening competition and realized his dream.

On the stage, the actors sang and danced, and through their superb acting skills and solid singing skills, they showed their distinctive characters: Ajuan, a young man who strives to pursue his dreams, cute and flexible Amao, strong and powerful Agou… dance The scene of the lion duel focuses on the “intangible cultural heritage” lion awakening culture and the customs and customs of Lingnan. The loud gongs and drums arouse strong cultural resonance among the audience.

During the intermission, many children imitated the steps of lion dance, raised their fists and jumped around. 10-year-old Xingxing said that she particularly likes Ajuan’s red “lion head”. “It’s so majestic to hold the lion’s head in front. The actors jumping up and down are so wonderful. I like Ajuan the best. He is finally covered with kapok.” place and became his own hero.”

“This musical is jointly created by outstanding artists, creators and performance and production teams from Guangdong and Hong Kong. From creation to front and backstage, it is an in-depth cooperation between Guangdong and Hong Kong. Everyone works together for better stage effects. This process is very precious and meaningful.” Chen Rui, producer of the Cantonese version of the musical “The Lion” and deputy general manager of the Guangzhou Grand Theater, said that lion dancing is a common cultural symbol and cultural gene in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The music The play conveys the spiritual core of “There are all kinds of reasons to give up, but only one is enough to persevere”, which I believe will impress Hong Kong audiences.

Zheng Junchi, a musical actor who has been active in theaters in Hong Kong and Macao all year round, plays the male protagonist Ajuan in this performance. He said that this was his first exposure to lion dance, and he only had about one and a half months of rehearsal time. Lion dance is easy to learn but difficult to master. Capturing the charm is the most difficult. Secondly, it requires strong physical strength, and he also has to establish a tacit understanding with his teammates. ” Although the rehearsals are very hard, the team morale is high and the relationship is very good.” Zheng Junchi said that Ajuan is a dream chaser. At first, she was purely attracted by enthusiasm. Later, when she experienced changes and looked into her heart, she discovered her passion for lion dance. It can bring you freedom, thereby sublimating the character, from a simple “like” to a “symbiotic” relationship. He said that “The Young Lion” is not only a passionate musical, but also hopes to make all people who have experienced setbacks and losses feel the hope of rising again.

It is understood that the Cantonese version of the musical “Lion” is the first musical from the Mainland to be invited to participate in the Hong Kong Arts Festival. (over)

[Editor in charge: Hui Xiaodong]

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