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The yellow vest Patrick de Perglas, alias Gépy, was received by Prime Minister Edouard Philippe this afternoon

Patrick de Perglas, the Chalonnais yellow vest on hunger strike, wanted to meet the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron. It was ultimately the Prime Minister who responded to his interview requests.

The unfailing determination of Patrick de Perglas seems to have paid off.
After seven days of walking and nine of hunger strike, the “yellow vest” was received by the Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe.

He was received this afternoon for forty minutes alone.

He is the first and only person involved in the movement of yellow vests to have been received so far at Matignon.

The man emerges visibly serene from this interview with the Prime Minister. He says he feels that “The Prime Minister is a human being, a man like me. We both sat down, we both opened our hearts. He heard my message and he will pass it on to the President of the Republic.”

Patrick de Perglas does not call on the yellow vests to stop the movement until there have been concrete measures.
He asks that the mobilization continue “without violence, without blocking people in the roundabouts.
I am a pacifist, having done this to avoid a second revolution.”

Listen to his reaction recorded by Matthieu Rappez:

An incredible adventure

Left on foot on November 21 from Chalon-sur-Saône towards Paris, Partick de Perglas had been mobilized since the start of the yellow vests movement. Nicknamed Gépy, he first settled in front of the tax office in Chalon-sur-Saône and started a hunger strike 9 days ago.

Arriving this Wednesday, November 28 in the capital, he wanted to meet the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, to share his demands with him.
He had not been able to cross the gates of the Élysée, any more than the doors of the National Assembly.
It was therefore the Prime Minister himself who finally had him called at the beginning of the afternoon to receive him.
His appearance on the show C à vous propelled him into the spotlight, but Patrick de Perglas has already explained that he wanted to regain anonymity and that he had started eating again when he left the Matignon court.

Tomorrow, a meeting is scheduled between Edouard Philippe and the representatives officially appointed by the movement.

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