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The year of the tiger begins. See what awaits you next year according to the Chinese horoscope

The tiger is a very active sign, a symbol of power and strength, unbridled emotional intensity, courage and audacity.

The tiger likes to attack, unexpectedly and everything he wants. Without any order and rules. Fight and risk are a diversification of his life. What he doesn’t catch right will stop. He won’t let go of any sacrifice, even if he stops entertaining him. For these reasons, too, the Chinese say that the tiger does not stroke, it admires, and prefers to distance, because even if it growls contentedly, it may be before the jump.

The year 2022 will be a very active year full of opportunities, when many people will achieve their goals. But it will not be so easy, often a very winding road full of obstacles and clashes with reality will lead to it.

So if you have an opportunity, jump for it, because otherwise you risk missing it, and as the wise ancestors said, such opportunities rarely appear twice.

Do not look at others in your decision-making, only perceive yourself and your own strengths, exactly as true tigers do.

The tiger also marks the northeast, the place where the sun begins its journey on a new day, even when it is not visible above the horizon. According to Chinese tradition, it is also the place where the leader of the year sits, and therefore all areas of your life related to the Northeast should remain open, as any door or thing that will block it will prevent your projects from starting.

Keep the northeast of buildings or rooms bright and clear, take good care of it, as if it were a space for the king.

What year will the tiger have other signs?

  • Hare (1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

The hare represents the east, the month of March, and since it borders the tiger, it understands its energy.

Its strengths include intelligence, education and growth, all with the support of the tiger’s energy, which provides hares with progressive energy from which new ideas are born.

The hare will be full of clever ideas at the beginning of the new lunar year, but they can also lead to frustration. Especially in times when things don’t go as fast as he imagines. He will need a certain amount of patience, because it is still cold in March and energy is developing very slowly this month.

  • Dragon (1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

The dragon represents the direction of the southeast and the month of April. He has a reputation as an entrepreneur who is very significantly influenced by the tiger’s finances. In real life, these can be various sponsorship gifts, loans, etc.

The dragon also likes challenges and as an entrepreneur he knows how to turn around a different-looking difficult situation. He is so loyal to the tiger and thus gains the respect of the leader. The year 2022 will be a very responsible year for him.

  • Had (1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

The snake represents the direction of the southeast and the month of May. The year 2022 will be a year without major changes for him. He will enjoy the tiger taking the reins and leadership, while he will be able to focus only on himself, his career, new opportunities and new beginnings.

In May, however, the snakes will have to pay attention to their finances and be very careful in their investments.

  • Horse (1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

The horse represents the direction of the south and the month of June. He is one of the key members of the tiger team, as he bears the brunt of the responsibility of leading the tiger to its goals. In 2022, the horse will have great power, especially if it faces the challenge of leadership.

Just be aware that responsibility comes with a lot of pressure, so you need to make sure you keep your balance between work and play. If he fails, there are a number of health problems, especially in June.

  • Cocoon (1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

The goat represents the direction of the southwest and the month of July. The goat is loyal to the tiger in that it covers its back. He is not an active player on his team, but contributes to teaching him to say NO occasionally.

Goat thinks about the tiger’s finances and his well-being and is his valuable ally. In 2022, the goats will take care of the well-being of others and at the same time carefully guard the family finances.

  • Monkeys (1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

The monkey represents the direction of the southwest and the month of August.

The year 2022 will be busier for monkeys than ever before. They will travel more, especially in groups. At the same time, they give priority to their health problems and therefore begin to address things that these people have not given importance to so far.

The problem month for monkeys will be August, when they will be prone to disease. However, thanks to his determination, he will probably deal with his problems and those closest to him. Wearing white clothes or white flowers in the middle of their homes can help them in their efforts.

  • Rooster (1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

The rooster represents the direction of the west and the month of September. Its mission is to be responsible for handing over power to the leader in order to keep a clear mind so that he can make the right decisions.

Thus, the year 2022 will be a year for the rooster to take on the reins of someone who can give very good advice, to share his experience, all for the benefit of others.

  • Pes (1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

The dog represents the direction of the northwest and the month of October. This is a sign that will have great ideas all year round. Unfortunately, their implementation will take them a lot of time, so they will not have as much space for entertainment. But the dog itself will not mind, because he will enjoy the work and satisfy him as much as possible.

However, the tiger considers the dog to be a key player in his team, even if the dog does not want it very much. This is one of the reasons why most dogs will be really successful next year.

  • Pork (1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

The pig represents the northwest direction and the month of November. He is a romantic partner of the tiger, which brings him love and love energy. And since life is about finding balance, love plays a very important role in that.

For this reason too, pigs will thrive this year and will be more ambitious and confident in many ways.

  • Rat (1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

The rat represents the direction of the north and the month of December. 2022 will be a year of consolidation for the rat, focusing on its own health, fitness and good diet. Over time, they will focus on themselves, although rats generally tend to think primarily of others.

This is also due to the fact that the tiger is supported by most other signs, so the rat can rest and not be as active as in the past.

However, some things should postpone the rats for years to come, making major decisions and big purchases.

  • Buvol (1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

The buffalo represents the direction of the northeast and the month of January. This is a sign that forms a very strong alliance with the tiger. The buffalo closely monitors the security of the tiger’s finances and gives him advice on when and how to focus on the things he needs.

For the buffalo, 2022 will be about careful planning and control of the family budget, which will bring more stability and order to his life.

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