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The Xunta will maintain the restrictions in Galician cities until further notice

The meeting of the clinical committee of the Consellería de Sanidade de la Xunta de Galicia ended at last, and the result is that the Galician community will maintain restrictive measures in the cities and the other municipalities until further notice. The committee will meet again this Friday, November 6 to assess the situation, so the current measures will be in force until that day, as the DOG said last Friday, October 30.

At the moment, all Galician cities and some of its neighboring municipalities or its metropolitan area have mobility restrictions. The inhabitants cannot leave their municipalities or, rather, of the area jointly formed by the affected municipalities. To give an example, you can go from Arteixo to A Coruña and from A Coruña to Arteixo, but not from A Coruña to Oleiros or from Arteixo to A Laracha, except to work.

The municipalities also have level 3 restrictions, which restrict social gatherings to cohabiting people.

These are the areas that currently have municipal or perimeter confinement, and level 3 restrictions:

  • A Coruña and Arteixo
  • Ferrol, Narón, Neda and Fene
  • Santiago de Compostela, Ames and Teo
  • Pontevedra, Poio and Marín
  • Vigo
  • Lugo
  • Vimianzo
  • Ourense and Barbadás
  • O Carballiño, O Irixo and Boborás
  • Verín, Oímbra and Vilardevós

Additionally, the municipality of O Barco de Valdeorras and the O Carballiño region as a whole have level 3 restrictions, that is, only meetings with cohabitating people.

More than four hours of meeting

According to sources from the Ministry of Health, after a meeting lasting more than four hours, the clinical committee “maintains the restrictions and will continue to make decisions in the coming days.” The next meeting of health advisers is scheduled for next Friday.

The Xunta decided last Friday impose a perimeter confinement of the seven large Galician cities and some bordering municipalities, as well as the Coruña town hall of Vimianzo, which was added to that of the Ourense regions of Verín and O Carballiño, with the aim of containing the spread of the virus.

Thus, since 3:00 p.m. last Friday, around 45% of the Galician population cannot leave their town hall and in several municipalities meetings are limited to only people who live under the same roof.

In addition, the prohibition of mobility continues throughout the community if it is not for justified cause between 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. and level two prevents social gatherings of more than five people throughout Galicia.

Evolution of cases

This decision of the clinical committee comes after the positives for Covid-19 confirmed by PCR in the last 24 hours showed a new decrease in Galicia, when another 448 were detected by PCR.

However, the latest data available in Galicia suggest that active cases of coronavirus rose slightly, to 9,376. In addition, Covid-19 patients admitted to Galician hospitals increased again to 545, which is 22 more than those registered on Monday, of them 79 in the critical unit – two more – and 466 in other units – 20 more.

Regarding fatalities, in Galicia they already reach 951 since the beginning of the pandemic, after seven deaths were recorded in the last hours. Monday’s day had marked a peak, with 21 deaths of patients diagnosed with Covid-19, which was the day with the most deaths since April 11, 23 deaths were reached.

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