Home » today » Business » The Xunta renews the harvest loan to guarantee the purchase of grapes

The Xunta renews the harvest loan to guarantee the purchase of grapes

Jos Gonzlez made the announcement during the presentation of the institutional wine of La Evega

29 jul 2021 . Updated at 05:00 h.

The Official Gazette of Galicia will publish this Friday the renewal of the so-called Harvest Loan, a procedure that recognizes wineries the right to opt for loans guaranteed by the Xunta for this 2021 campaign. The objective, as pointed out by Medio Rural, is to provide liquidity to Galician wineries. But it also intends to ensure the purchase of grapes under normal market conditions in order to guarantee the wineries’ resilience.

The renewal of these credits, authorized for the first time last year to face the consequences of the measures adopted to stop the pandemic, was advanced by the Minister of Rural Affairs, Jos González, during the official presentation of the institutional wine of the Station de Viticultura e Enoloxa de Galicia (Evega) from 2021, corresponding to the 2020 harvest. The broth is called O camio da liberdade. In addition, Evega pays tribute in the labeling to the Galicians and Galicians for their exemplary behavior during the pandemic.

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