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The Xunta launches a package of measures to guarantee universal access to digital administration

The actions revolve around representation mechanisms, alternative channels, authorized officials, usability, and autonomy and social inclusion.

The Xunta de Galicia has prepared a package of five measures with which they seek to guarantee universal access to digital administration and thus reduce the digital divide in the Community, which occurs especially among the older population.

As detailed by the Galician Agency for Technological Modernization (Amtega), the actions are focused on the establishment of representation and assistance mechanisms and on digital training.

In this sense, the Amtega reminds that all the procedures that are carried out digitally can be delegated to a person who acts as a representative. For those cases in which the procedures require data or identification of the user, in April of last year the Xeral Electronic Registry of Powers of Attorney of Galicia was enabled, which allows any natural or legal person to appoint a representative to carry out their procedures in the administrations.

Even with these systems, the Autonomous Administration emphasizes that, currently, 70% of administrative procedures admit the double route (face-to-face-digital), since “it is promoted that those procedures aimed at citizens, and especially older people, admit alternative channels –face-to-face or by telephone–“.

The Administration Registry Offices of the cities have citizen posts from which electronic procedures can be carried out and the Integrated Service for Citizenship, via telephone 012, facilitates the carrying out of procedures through the Xunta’s electronic headquarters.

This last service, they explain, provides technical assistance so that people can configure their equipment in a way that adapts to the requirements of the Headquarters.


To this is added the advice of the Cemit Classroom Network, especially in rural areas, to those people with difficulties in digital processing. According to Amtega data, during 2021 the Rede has planned and facilitated more than 3,000 hours to answer questions, advise or tutor on the use of technology and digital services.

They indicate that the use of this service has doubled in recent years, especially during the pandemic. Thus, it went from representing 4% of classroom activity in 2016 to 8% in 2021; while, so far in 2022, more than 350 hours have already been planned, which represents 8.6% of classroom activities.

Another of the advanced measures is the creation of a registry of officials authorized to carry out digital procedures from their own physical offices in the presence of the person who has to carry out the procedure.

Returning to the electronic Administration itself, the Xunta also advances the search for solutions that facilitate the relationship between citizens and administrations through technologies such as Artificial Intelligence or the development of virtual assistants.

In this line, the Consellería de Facenda and Amtega signed an agreement with the Universidade de Santiago in September 2021 to evaluate and improve the efficiency of administrative procedures. Under this agreement, the USC develops a methodology to address the analysis of procedures with a process mining technique and will develop an advanced virtual assistant to provide assistance to users of the regional electronic office.


The last measure is related to the promotion of autonomy and digital inclusion. In this regard, at the beginning of this year the Government Council of the Xunta launched the Rede Cemit Expansion and Reform Plan, “which will involve a progressive transformation and modernization of the existing centers until 2025 and the creation of 30 new classrooms “, in addition to the launch of a new mobile classroom service.

The Rede, created by Amtega in 2011, currently has the collaboration of 91 municipalities and is made up of 97 centers distributed in 52 counties.

In the new agreement with the municipalities, it is expected that the classrooms of the network reserve 800 hours of training in the case of cities and 350 hours in small municipalities for the completion of the complete course of digital skills, which includes content on electronic administration.

Specific actions will also be scheduled for ICT agents on the operation of the Electronic Headquarters through the use of a test environment. Municipal officials also participate in these seminars.

This improvement in the network coincides, they highlight, with the development of the new Galician Framework of Digital Competences that came into force on January 1 and that will develop the training and accreditation plans in digital competences, as well as the evaluation tests and self-tests. evaluation.

The digital skills framework adapts Galicia to the European DIGCOMP framework, the European framework for digital skills. This task of modernizing and expanding the CeMit Network and the development of the Galician Dixitais Competence Framework will involve an investment of more than 27 million euros until 2025.

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