Home » today » Business » The Xunta grants more than € 660,000 in interest to the Municipalities of Cerdedo-Cotobade, Cortegada, Lobios, Porto do Son and Rubiá for rehabilitation activities

The Xunta grants more than € 660,000 in interest to the Municipalities of Cerdedo-Cotobade, Cortegada, Lobios, Porto do Son and Rubiá for rehabilitation activities

Santiago de Compostela, November 5, 2022 The councilor of the Environment, Territory and Construction, Ángeles Vázquez, has signed with the mayors of Cerdedo-Cotobade, Cortegada, Lobios, Porto do Son and Rubiá – the latter electronically – the agreements that guarantee more than 660,000 euros of loans without interest for shares in these territories, as part of the Cooperation Fund to support the financing of recovery and conservation actions of the built heritage in municipalities with less than 50,000 inhabitants.

As explained by the minister, these loans, which must be repaid by the municipalities within 8 years, are intended, among other things, for the acquisition and recovery of properties in a poor state of conservation as a measure to protect the cultural and architectural heritage, environment, landscape and territory. The Galician government thus affects its commitment to improve the quality of life of citizens, facilitating them a decent and adequate housing.

In this way, the Municipality of Lobios signs 3 agreements for a total amount of over 135,000 euros to rehabilitate the public spaces in the municipalities of Bouzas, Sampaio and Esperanzo. The municipality of Cortegada also signs 3 agreements, which will dispose of almost 50,000 euros for the purchase of various properties in the square of Buenos Aires.

For its part, Rubiá will receive 48,000 euros for the regeneration of a road in O Robledo da Lastra. It is necessary to remember that this municipality of Ourense has already accepted this cooperation fund in the 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 calls.

In the case of Porto do Son, it will have around € 351,000 available to prepare special protection plans. This agreement adds to what this council already signed last October to provide more than 500,000 euros for the rehabilitation of the house in Ríos.

Finally, the municipal council of Cerdedo-Cotobade will receive more than 76,000 euros for the improvement of municipal equipment for cultural use.

Sixth call for this cooperation fund

During the signing of these agreements, the Minister recalled that through this rehabilitation cooperation fund, created 6 years ago, loans for over 11.3 million euros were granted until 2021 to finance 50 actions in a total of 23 municipalities. .

In the 2022 call, with those signed To date, 19 agreements have already been signed with 13 municipalities for an amount of 3.58 million euros and a dozen applications are still awaiting evaluation after the deadline for submitting applications expired on 30 September.

It should be noted that this fund is financed with rental bonds deposited with the IGVS, the return of which to depositors is fully guaranteed. The amounts returned by the municipalities are reintegrated into the fund so that they can be reused in new loans.

Furthermore, through this financing instrument, the Xunta contributes to facilitate the municipalities with subsidiary actions of rehabilitation in cases in which the owners of the buildings neglect their duties, given that the current regulations allow the municipalities to act in subsidiarity and therefore demand from the owners the amount of the actions carried out.

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