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The Xunta delays the entry into force of the new restrictions at midnight on Saturday

The Xunta justifies the delay at midnight on Saturday – instead of at 3:00 p.m. this Friday as announced by the regional president, Alberto Núñez Feijóo – of the entry into force of the measures to stop Covid-19 in Galicia to “facilitate the closure of the hospitality industry”.

This has been confirmed by sources from the Ministry of Health, who have clarified that finally the Official Gazette of Galicia (DOG) collects for 00.00 hours on November 7 the entry into force of the measures that include the closure of the hotel trade in 60 Galician municipalities – among them the seven cities – with the aim of “facilitating” their work to this sector.

In addition, in relation to what is stated in the decree of the Xunta published at the edge of midnight this Wednesday, November 4, it is specified that from 00.00 hours of this day 5 “the entry and exit of people from the territorial scope of the Carballiño and Verín councils “, while in the rest of the towns that are added to the perimeter closure in Galicia it will be from midnight this Saturday, so that these two Ourense municipalities – which already had it – do not remain without this measure “until Friday.”

As the same sources have pointed out, for O Carballiño and Verín, since the perimeter closure of the other municipalities with which they had this joint measure adopted until this Friday, the DOG collects the entry into force of that restriction from 00, 00 hours this November 5.

The areas that will be under perimeter closure are: La Coruña, along with Arteixo, Culleredo, Cambre and Oleiros; the city council of Lugo alone; Santiago with Ames, Boqueixón, Oroso, O Pino, Teo, Trazo, Val do Dubra and Vedra; Ferrol, with Ares, Fene, Neda, Narón and Mugardos; Orense, with Amoeiro, Barbadás, Coles, Pereiro de Aguiar, San Cibrao and Toén; Pontevedra, with Vilaboa, Ponte Caldelas, Poio, Marín, Barro, Campo Lameiro, Cerdedo-Cotobade and Soutomaior; and Vigo with Mos, Nigrán, Gondomar, Porriño and Redondela.

The most notable new restrictions are the closure of activities considered non-essential, including hospitality establishments, except for home delivery services or for their collection on the premises. In the case of health center catering establishments or for company workers, they may maintain the cafeteria, bar and restaurant service as long as 50% of their capacity is not exceeded.

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