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The Xunta de Galicia installs screens of protection in taxis

The Xunta de Galicia installs screens of protection in taxis

The Government will grant support to the sector of the taxi gallego for the installation of shower screens protective, with the intention of curbing the pandemic of coronavirus.

The president of the Xunta, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, with the conselleira of Infrastructure and Mobility, Ethel Vázquez, held today a videoconference meeting with representatives of the sector, with the aim of analyzing the situation of crisis of the collective.

In the meeting on-line, the president gallego said that it will negotiate the services of a taxi for the transfer of health care personnel who provide home-care service.

Also, reported that will attend to the request of the taxi drivers to prove the collapse of the billing, and able to access as well, to the aid of the State.

The report elaborated by the Statistics Institute of galicia credited with a fall of the activity of the taxi sector higher than the 77 per cent since the declaration of a state of alarm, sufficient to apply for state aid.

The Xunta de Galicia installs screens of protection in taxis

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