Home » today » News » The Xunta de Galicia foresees complete vaccination in nursing homes for the elderly by the end of January | Radio Coruña

The Xunta de Galicia foresees complete vaccination in nursing homes for the elderly by the end of January | Radio Coruña

At the end of this month it is expected that all inmates and workers of nursing homes will be vaccinated of the second dose of the Covid vaccine. There will be an exception in that calculation made by the Xunta: those who are now positive will have to wait until they turn negative to be vaccinated. From there and according to the evolution of the pandemic, the Ministry of Health and Social Policy will study the possibility of returning to normalize visits to geriatric centers.

The Minister of Social Policy, Fabiola García, said this morning: “We wish that they are first one hundred percent immunized, that is, that they receive the second dose, they are expected a few days and later, once all the residences are immunized, the review of all the protection measures we are currently adopting will be carried out by the Ministry of Health and the clinical committee. “

The vaccination campaign has ended in the public residence of Oleiros and in the Torrente Ballester in A Coruña.

Users of residences in Galicia diagnosed with covid-19 remain at similar figures to those of a day before, with 386 older people infected – one less -, according to the last part of the Department of Social Policy.

Specifically, the latest data from the regional department report 30 new infected seniors and account for 22 discharges, all after Tuesday’s Sanidade reported the death of eight people related to these centers.

As for the workers of Galician residences, the global count has risen again in the data for this Tuesday to stand at 202, two more.

Signature of agreement

Fabiola García visits the facilities of Meniños / Xunta de Galicia

The head of Social Policy has signed the renewal of an agreement with the Meniños Foundation.

An agreement that this year reaches the 650,000 euros, 4% more than last year. The program has been running for two decades and eighteen people work on it. It has three axes: work within the children’s own family; avoid that minors have to leave the family nucleus and third, that those who have remained in reception centers can return home as soon as possible.

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