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The Xunta announces mobility restrictions in the largest cities just two hours before they come into force

As if from the famous phrase attributed to one of the Marx Brothers – “It’s war” – outside, each Autonomous Community tries to join the mobility restriction measures in its own way. The problem is that the pandemic is advancing and there is little room left for humor, whatever color it may be.

Galicia and its Government have been among the last to adopt actions of this type. He announced it today at noon (the statement reached the media around 1:30 p.m., at ELPLURAL.COM at 1:35 p.m.) effective from noon or, to be exact, from 3:00 p.m.

The Board, through the Ministry of Health, has waited until the last moment and the reasons for the delay in announcing it are not known. It is true that it was agreed in what they call “clinical subcommittee” this morning and that it is justified within the framework of the decisions to “contain the spread of the virus”, as indicated by this regional department. But it is no less true that all regions and, even, in the case of Galicia, the neighboring country, Portugal, have announced the different initiatives in this regard in the previous days. Also the Madrid region chaired by Isabel Díaz Ayuso.

The cause of this delay in communication, in addition to causing the improvisation accusations directed against the Galician Executive to surface again, also generates some confusion among the citizens, not in vain, themselves Alberto Núñez Feijóo has used both the “improvisation of the central government”, as the delay in decision-making, as elements of criticism of Pedro Sánchez.

Regardless of controversies and leaving aside the restriction of the entire region, what the experts of Health is that a perimeter restriction of travel between some cities is established.

This section includes residents in Santiago, Ames and Teo; Ferrol, Neda, Fene and Narón; A Coruña and Arteixo; Pontevedra, Poio and Marín. The peculiarity of all these cases is that they are very close population centers, serve as an example that Pontevedra is separated from the municipality of Poio by a bridge, in the access from the urban area of ​​the capital of the Rías Baixas. Similarly, it is not allowed, according to the order of the Consellería, the entry and exit of Vigo, Lugo and Vimianzo.

In addition to the aforementioned limitations, the counselor, Julio García Comesaña, In his appearance to report the news, he has also announced that the municipalities of Ames, Teo, Ferrol, Narón, Fene, Neda and Vimianzo pass to level 3 of restrictions and that, additionally, “only meetings between cohabitants will be able to be realized” in these localities.

At the meeting, it was agreed that the same restriction between people living in the same address applies equally to other municipalities such as those of A Coruña, Arteixo, Pontevedra, Poio, Marín, Vigo and Lugo.

As has been customary for two weeks, the Government led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo follows what the Community of Madrid sets. It also does this on this occasion with the duration of these mobility restrictions, since it limits them to the period that goes from 3:00 p.m. today Friday, until next Tuesday, November 3, that is, only to the bridge for All Day the Saints.

The opposition have already requested, urgently, the appearance of Feijóo. The secretary general of the PSdeG has requested it, Gonzalo knight, who asks you to explain as soon as possible the “improvisation of announcing an urgent closure of all the big cities of Galicia” one day after “rejecting the perimeter closure” of the entire region.

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