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The XI Edition of the IKFEM Festival 2023: Opening on July 20 with a Concert on the Miño River

The XI edition of the Festival will open on July 20 with a concert on the Miño River

Of the July 20 to 25 will be held XI edition of the IKFEM Festival 2023. The waters of the Miño River and the banks on both sides of the border between Tui and Valença will be the natural setting for the opening show.

opening concert

He day 20the work titled two solar systemsof the artist Delphine Coutant he will put a floating piano, accompanied by a cello in a concert that mixes the visual and sound experience. In the words of Andrea Gonzalezdirector of the festival, the work is nourished by a strong link with nature.

Editing Artists

In this edition of IKFEM, Vitorino Almeida, Katia Guerreiro o Cremilda Medina They will share settings of great historical value, such as the Fortress or the Cathedral of Tui. They will alternate with more emerging voices such as Antia Muiño (July 22), recently awarded by the Martín Codax Awards, or with the innovative musical proposals of fog (July 23), a mix of traditional Galician music and alternative pop.

In line with its diversity, IKFEM will also program the Caribbean sound and rhythmswhich will come hand in hand with Pilar & Arabel Moraguez. The concert, the day 24presents the cuban song and the World Premiere of a composition by the Cuban artist Leo Brower.

For his part, the artist Daniel Pereira will offer the Day 25in the Church of Santo Domingo, a concert monograph of Beethoven, with its four mythical sonatas. On the same day 25, the group Arume de Malvas will offer a concert of traditional Galician music.

The little ones will also have their own musical offer at IKFEM with the show ‘Electrofades’ (July 23th).

Organ and visual arts

Abraham Martinezfounder of the Alqvimia Music Foundation it will be the one who makes the majestic baroque organ of the Cathedral of Tui sound (July 24). Likewise, the musician, hand in hand with the visual artist Beatriz Rivaswill combine in a show the Day 25, music and visual arts. They will be accompanied on stage by percussion, sax and voice.


Among the great novelties of this edition is the start-up of IKFEM CREATIVA, a living space where local talent can be collaboratively promoted Galician and Portuguese: music, gastronomy, dance, fashion, painting, literature, theater, among other disciplines.


He Festival IKFEM (International Keyboard Festival & Masterclass) has 10 years of experience in the Eurocity of Tui and Valença do Minho. In 2013, he was a pioneer in uniting two countries, Spain and Portugal, to work on the cross-border cultural cooperation. IKFEM is already a benchmark in the Iberian Peninsula, gathering artists and public from a dozen countries.

Its main objective is to create a space for cultural enrichment where there are no geographical, cultural or aesthetic borders. For this reason, it fuses different musical styles: pop, rock, classical music, jazz, traditional music And a long etcetera. In addition, their concerts are held in privileged scenarios of the town, such as international bridge linking Spain and Portugal.

2023-07-18 10:42:06
#IKFEM #music #nature

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