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“The writers, producers and my husband are lying …”

The wife of Ukrainian actor Konstantin Voitenko, actress Valentina Voitenko, harshly criticized the creators of the show “Dancing with Stars” for trying to “draw” her into the project, and talked about her problems with her husband.

As writes Politeka.net, in a new post on her Instagram page, Valentina frankly admitted that she does not like the way they try to force her into the show “Dancing with Stars”, where her husband is now participating.

“It makes me angry and annoyed that they lie about me in prime time on national television – the scriptwriters, producers of the show“ Dancing with the Stars ”and my husband. It makes me angry that I’ve been lying to you for half a year. Or rather, I am not saying it. I asked Kostya not to involve me in his participation in the show. Alas, it didn’t help, ”Voitenko addressed the Ukrainians.

She noted that in the plots of “Dances” they mention her conflict with her husband and try to bring everything to some kind of reconciliation on the air. At the same time, no one asked Valentina’s position.

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The actress admitted that she had previously made a choice in favor of the family, trying in every possible way to build an ideal relationship, but now she and Konstantin are having a difficult period.

At the same time, Valentina noted that the problem is not that she, as a professional dancer, was not taken to “Dances with stars”, as her husband had previously stated on the air of the show.

“Kostya and I have been in open conflict since April this year. Since August we have been visiting a family therapist. And as a result of family therapy, we came to an intermediate point – to live separately and continue therapy separately … At this stage we are now. I feel hurt, hurt and sad. Because I have feelings for a person who systemically hurts me and is poorly aware of it, ”said Valentina.

She added that while she and her husband work on themselves and their relationship continues. According to the actress, this is not yet an experienced stage in her life. In this regard, she asked the Ukrainians to refrain from asking questions and advice about this situation.

Recall Chapkis’s son returned to Ukraine and surprised with a statement about one of the participants in “Dances with stars”.

As reported by Politeka, the marriage of the actor Voitenko is bursting at the seams because of “Dances with stars”, the wife told the details.

Also Politeka wrote that as Melovin, Jamala, Harlan and other participants in “Dancing with the Stars” looked like in childhood.

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