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The wreck of the Indonesian submarine is 838 meters below sea level. Here are the first pictures.

The military in Indonesia says rescue crews have found the submarine that disappeared during a training mission earlier this week.

The photo from the seabed was taken on Sunday, and will show part of the submarine that sank off Bali earlier this week. Photo: Indonesian Navy / NTB

At a press conference on Sunday, Chief of Defense Hadi Tjahjanto said that they can now confirm that the submarine KRI Nanggala 402 has sunk and that all 53 on board have died.

Early Sunday morning local time, signals were picked up from the place where the wreck is located at a depth of 838 meters. A submarine was used to confirm the discovery.

– There were parts there from KRI Nanggala 402. It had broken into three parts, says naval chief Yudo Margono.

Among the parts on the seabed are a rudder and several anchors.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo has expressed his condolences and condolences to the crew.


The Indonesian navy says there is no longer any hope that it will survive after the submarine sank. 53 people were on board. Photo: Indonesian Navy / NTB

Found bean mats

The submarine was declared sunk on Saturday after finds from objects from the vessel. During the search in the area, a bottle of lubricant used to lubricate periscopes was found.

In addition, prayer mats were found – probably used by the submarine crew. Indonesia is the world’s most populous Muslim country.

An extensive search operation has been underway after the vessel was reported missing during a training mission off the holiday island of Bali on Wednesday. A number of ships and several aircraft have participated, and Indonesia has received assistance from, among others, the United States and Singapore.


The crew was gathered on Sunday morning for a briefing on an Indonesian naval vessel that has participated in the search for the entire submarine. The military in Indonesia says the wreck of the submarine has been found. Photo: Achmad Ibrahim / AP / NTB

Too high pressure

The submarine was not built to withstand depths of more than 200 meters. Further down than 500 meters, there was a great risk that the hull would be damaged by the water pressure.

Had the vessel been intact, the crew would probably have run out of oxygen on Friday night Norwegian time.

KRI Nanggala 402 was built in Germany and put into service in 1981. The same type of submarine has also been used by several other countries, among them Greece, India and Argentina.

Contact with the vessel was broken shortly after it asked for permission to dive during the training mission. What may have been the cause of the accident is not yet known.

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