Home » News » The worst data since the start of the pandemic: Asturias registers 435 infections and 10 deaths in one day | Radio Asturias

The worst data since the start of the pandemic: Asturias registers 435 infections and 10 deaths in one day | Radio Asturias

The Health counseling confirms 435 new cases of Covid-19, and 10 deaths in the last 24 hours. It is the worst data registered in Asturias since the beginning of the pandemic, last March. The deceased persons are three women, one of 81 years old, and two of 88 years old, and seven men of 58, 72, 84, 85, 87, 91 and 99 years old. Six of these people were domiciled in a nursing home in the Principality.

In addition, there have been 80 admissions due to coronavirus in the plant and 8 more in FIA. In total there are 499 hospitalized covid patients, between confirmed and suspected; and 74 people positive for the virus remain in Intensive Care Units.

The Asturian government is particularly concerned about the situation in Gijón, the municipality that despite the perimeter closure has the worst data on the evolution of the pandemic. President Adrián Barbón does not rule out if this epidemiological situation worsens to take more drastic measures, understanding from his own statements in recent days that these measures would go through a confinement in the house of the Gijonese. Calls on the population of the three closed cities, Oviedo, Avilés and Gijón, especially the latter due to its poor epidemiological evolution, to scrupulously comply with the sanitary measures, and to avoid risks by restricting social activity to what is strictly necessary.

Statements by Barbón, who this Friday chaired the Autonomous Executive Committee of the Asturian Socialist Federation, as general secretary of the PSOE. In the part of his speech open to the media, he reiterated that we are living through critical days: “The combat is tough. The hospitals are becoming saturated, the toilets are having a hard time and there are deaths every day “, has pointed out.

In a more political key, the Asturian chief executive has criticized the position of the PP, which has made it clear that they will only agree on regional budgets if the agreement is exclusively with them. The president, Adrián Barbón, has called them to reflect on why “The oven for buns is not there” has said verbatim.

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